Use of music during grow


Active Member
Okay, as strange as this may sound, do you or have you ever heard of someone playing music to their plants as they grow? What kinds of effects does music have on the grow?

Saw a MythBusters episode on this recently and wondered if anyone had tried it.
yeah what did the mythbusters conclude?

I play music for my plants all the time, but as they live under the speakers its hard not to. I like to think it makes her happy
I have always thought about trying this and have heard of actual studies where the plants like certain types of music and could even make the plants grow towards the speakers. Crazy eh!
I play them Bob Marley all day, apparently the music does help them grow. Something about the vibrations from the music. Mythbusters did prove it helped.
I've been playing classical music for my plants for years. I definitely think it enhances their overall health. Though i've never conducted an experiment to obtain concrete evidence. I'd be interested in hearing what others have to say about this.
yeah ive heard of this also. i cant remember the name of the woman but she wrote a book on the subject. she said that her plants reacted in a positive way to soft soothing music and they reacted in a negative way to hard rock. the plants that were grew with the soothing music actually did grow toward the speakers. ive been thinking of setting up a couple small speakers with classical music playing for my ladies. i know personally when i have music playing my stress lowers. i guess you really never know until you try. i might give it a shot. if you do a little research you might beable to find the book/link and or woman that im talking about. sorry i cant remember her name but i do remember reading a link somewhere about her and her book. peace.
ive seen that episode where they were testing like the stress level of plants with music and fire and stuff. i dont think it will really help but i would love for some one to test that then tell me the results, but thats alot of electricity if your playing music for a couple months 24/7 in your grow room:?
ahhhaha rain forest, if music influenced there growing and developing rain forest music would probabaly be the best.
^ well, i mean, you don't play the music 24/7
anytime during the day, should be most effective...
but, i would think that the plants want, peace & quiet at night

wouldn't you think so? lol
yeah i would believe that the plants would like it quite in there dark cycle. actually it would probably be better to give them a break once your lights kicked off. when i get a chance im gonna have to get another timer for one of my cd players. i currently have a sound scape alarm clock that i run every night when i go to sleep on the sound of storms setting. the light is on when the sound scape is running. ever since i got that my plants seem to be a little happier from what i can see. i have a rain forest setting on the sound scape. ill have to change it on my next run to see if there will be a difference between crops. this is gonna be fun. peace.
Well as for me having a green thumb I know that it works for my regular houseplants so I am sure it will stimulate the ladies that you are nurturing. As most know that we all like to listen to music and it does something chemically to our brains I would assume that if I were a plant living in a boring bright closet I would like to be stimulated with something other then the hum of the fans and lights..wouldn't you.?
After seeing the episode again in reruns recently, I've been wondering if it would make a difference on yields. You've all been great with the replies and stories. Thank you much.
i was listening to a talk radio program in the late nights of AM.
I recall a guy some science guy doing testing on plants and feelings or connections with people.
He concluded that talking to plants and playing happy music for them helps the plants. And also he set up these sensors on them that I guess showed signs of reactions to what the people were doing or thinking in the room.
Was pretty wild and whacky stuff.
one thing is for sure
playing some jams couldn't possibly hurt.
i want my weeds to trip people the hell out... so i'm gonna re-cycle some Fantasia soundtrak during the light cycle :D
i played classical while the lights were on in my room last round-and te buzz was great-
This round gets silence-well see
I read that the plants like classical and n indian music best mellow stuuf with littlle percussion,in the tests the responded poorly to percussion-but leaned 15 degrees twards the classical and indian....trippy