Use Outdoor Light And Indoor CFL's ?


Well-Known Member
I was thinking about growing some automatic flowering type strains, like say LowRyder 2. I was wondering, since it can have light on it 24/7, could I do this:

-Have it outside from say, 7am to Sunset ( 8-8:30pm )
-Take it inside, put it in a small constructed box with white walls and CFL's to light it at night time.

Or will this SOMEHOW create an uneven light schedule and force the plant into a hermie--- but it's autoflowering so can that even happen?


Thanks !


Well-Known Member
I was thinking about growing some automatic flowering type strains, like say LowRyder 2. I was wondering, since it can have light on it 24/7, could I do this:

-Have it outside from say, 7am to Sunset ( 8-8:30pm )
-Take it inside, put it in a small constructed box with white walls and CFL's to light it at night time.

Or will this SOMEHOW create an uneven light schedule and force the plant into a hermie--- but it's autoflowering so can that even happen?


Thanks !
I'd just let it stay outside, it seems like unneccessary stress to bring it back and forth. Autoflowering strains can hermie.


Well-Known Member
I live in an area around norther Ohio and Pennsylvania, so sometimes it can get a bit chilly at night.. so thats another reason why. Also, theyre autoflowering... hey they can take 24 hrs of light, why not give it to them :P

How would an autoflowering plant hermie ?

Thanks for your response too


New Member
I have never grown a hermie but then again I have never flowered bag seeds. I always thought you get a hermie when you leave a male in the grow area to long????


New Member
and to kirby. grow it inside under 24 for two to three weeks then go to a 18-6 for three to four weeks then stick them outside and they will for sure be monsters if trained properly


Well-Known Member
Kingkush, If you read my first post I was talking about an autoflowering strain, not bagseed :P, more specifically diesel ryder.
But thanks for the tip !!
From what I know hermies are a result from stress and uneven light schedules. The plant gets confused and thinks its a time thats its not... say late in the season, so it is desperate to get fertilized or something, so it forces itself to become a hermie, essentially.


Well-Known Member
wow I thought it was by chance like humans turn hermaf by chance and is predetermined before birth people dont just grow new parts LOL but that would be kinda funny.


Well-Known Member
I'm not a pro marijuana expert ( yet ), but I think some seeds can be hermies, like inbred bag seed over and over, or some "Feminised Seeds" you see advertised, some of those are hermies, and i think actually come from hermies. Correct me if I'm wrong.


Well-Known Member
Hermies happen due to stress...any, ANY plant has the potential to hermie. It is true that alot of 'feminized' seeds have been made through stressing mother plants, which does promote the weakened gene. I say weakened because strong genetics have built up tolerances through time to the stresses that they normally encounter. Hermies also don't happen due to just any stress, it is all in the genes. Certain strains have tolerances to different things, that's why people think of bagseed when they think hermies...the bagseed may not have been specifically bred to your exact enironment, and without a tolerance it stresses easily. There is no good way of knowing what stresses your plant the first time you grow it, that's why these forums are awesome :mrgreen: It is the plants natural function, it takes alot more time and energy for it to produce female flowers than it does to produce male flowers. So when conditions are no longer optimal for flower production, it turns to it's back-up plan which can still be carried out in those same conditions.


Well-Known Member
It's just my opinion but I think despite the shorter photoperiod the sun will give you a much better harvest than any CFLs will.


Well-Known Member
Well I never planned to use CFL's 24/7, just half the time. I know the sun is good for some things artificial light can never produce ( certain UV rays, etc ), so thats why I wanted to keep it in the sun during the day... then when there is no more sun just hit it up with some CFL so it can grow 24/7, but i guess this will stress it

Organic way to get feminised seeds:
Chemical / Quicker way:
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