Useful Seeds

Dont know if I have ever tasted grape chocolate before but I did last night! Grape OG x Chocolate Diesel test was awesome. Honestly thought I would get more grape from the smell but was a great taste nonetheless. I should also note that I was high as a kite too! Very potent stuff! Just put 2 each of Blackjack x Chocolate Diesel and Sunny Diesel in flower, will try to keep everyone updated. I already know from growth structure that I have different phenos for each strain, two squat and two taller ones. Will get some more finished photos up of the Grape OG x Chocolate Diesel when I trim although the buds all look quite similar, they plants grew very different.
Nice report, how long did you take them?
I do not make autos, just fems and regs.

Today between the hours of 6-7 eastern, i'm giving some seeds away. US residents only due to previous customs issues.

I do not sell direct, but you are in good hands with the 3 vendors that @BDGrows mentioned. I appreciate the support.

That's great news! How do I enter to be considered? My brother is currently growing some of your 'Blackened Oranges' and he says from a stem rub they smell just like tangerines.
That's great news! How do I enter to be considered? My brother is currently growing some of your 'Blackened Oranges' and he says from a stem rub they smell just like tangerines.
It's really simple, between 6-7 today I will post a picture of the seeds i'm giving away. All you have to do is be the first person to quote that post here in the thread. Whoever is first gets the seeds shipped to them with tracking included, absolutely no cost to the winner. Today's giveaway is a nice one for sure.
Well...........the girls are gone. Gonna miss them terribly, but having them here for all that time was AWESOME !!!!! It was like 3 weeks they were here, I will admit I seemed to have an allergy issue with my eyes as my wife and I hugged and kissed them goodbye, and I don't have allergies.......go figure.

OK, as I stated in a previous post, folks wanted full packs, and a BOO drop. Here is what I will be offering up to my vendors

Bag of Oranges
Grape OG x Chocolate Diesel (very limited drop)
Gelato #45 x Chocolate Diesel
Chocolate Diesel s1
GG #4 x Chocolate Diesel
Skywalker OG x Chocolate Diesel
Blueberries n Chocolate
Double Dipped Strawberries
Chem D x Chocolate Diesel


Lucky Lime f2

Fems that are in the "oven" so to speak

ECSD x Chocolate Diesel
Candyman x BOO (collab with Shoreline)
Chem D x BOO
Goji Razz ( Bodhi's personal cut)x Chocolate Diesel
HAOG x Chocolate Diesel
Blueberries n Oranges
Bag of Skunks n Oranges
Chocolate Skunk

Thanks again for the continued support !!!

Remember to say it now, because ya never know.

Your friend Useful
@Useful Seeds Any idea how long before they cool off out of the oven? I'm hungry! Lol. I'm gonna need a couple of those for sure! Started this Useful journey not to long ago and am very pleased that I did. Ended up so far with 11 strains of yours and just finished the Grape OG, at the same time watched my two Blackjack x Chocolate Diesel and Sunny Diesel thrive in veg. Also gained a few friends since coming to this thread. One of the best decisions I made was coming here and feeling the love, SPREAD THE LOVE!
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