Useful Seeds

I'll be glad when when this virus is under control and I can acquire more useful gear. JBC won't answer on shipping so I have to run other breeders for now, which sucks.
Paid good money for Fems from a respected company which were made a few years back. They germinated but the vigor is bad, It happens time to time. Makes me appreciate small scale hands on seed makers.
Hopefully Useful restocks the OC x CD at JBC so I can find that orange cookie pheno I had. She didn't have a great structure but her smell, taste and effect were above the rest
Well I have 6 Skywalker x chocolate d not pop. I scuffed them then soaked them then paper towel method. Wondering if anyone has tried manually cracking seeds before or should I just call it quits? Thanks guys
You can manually crack them; just be super careful as you can crush them. Other methods for stubborn beans are to use H2O2 & gibberellic acid to assist with germination.