Useful Seeds

Glad you are happy with your purchase. It very well could, everything we have is because of landrace cultivars.

I have sooooo many seeds stored, I figure if I can't get to them, I should offer em up. It is easier on IG because it is in one place, page doesn't move. I did do one here and it worked, but just wasn't the same. If you folks want to participate in some smaller ones let me know.
I personally appreciate the offer but I am gonna be broke from Christmas for a while so even smaller ones would do me no good. I don't overspend but do spoil my kids a little, it's the only time of year we really splurge. Anyone that does have the cash is a fool not to want to get in on some of these rare treasures.
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Mrs Howell!!! If you were to be hitting that on the island, can you imagine how much your life would change when you make it back to civilization!!!

HAHA I feel so dirty thinking about it but keep in mind they were there for 15 years. You would have to tag Lovie.

All set for a run. Washed the room down with bleach and hot water and have the temps pretty well dialed in. I don't see much if anything negative in a long thread so I'm gonna try some Useful beans. Looking forward to the adventure.

Chem D x Chocolate D (Fem) and Blueberries N Oranges (BBHP X BOO)
This may not be the right place for this post but I wanted you guys to know, sorry @Useful Seeds . Now the exciting news, wellgrown has brought on Indian Landrace Exchange for those of you interested in Landrace and heirloom genetics. And if ancient genetics aren't exciting enough, a portion(fair trade) of the purchase goes directly to the farmers who have been growing these strains for generations! One thing I don't know is how stable these lines will be indoors? Anyone know anything about heirloom stability when growing indoors? I am currently running mms chick magnet( Putang x Swabi Pakistani) and going great so far in veg (2 distinct phenos) but that is obviously a cross that can stabilize the heirloom. I hope people take advantage of this access to rare genetics that have been around for thousands of years and make a ton of crosses! :weed:

Are you somehow related to wellgrown and/or mms? This seems like a direct advertisement in a thread that's not related to either wellgrown or mms. Maybe if wellgrown was a vendor for useful seeds, it might be a little more appropriate.

And from what I've heard/read, some landrace/heirloom genetics will be fine indoors. Others will be unruly and will exhibit major hermaphroditic traits. Won't know unless you try them.