Useful Seeds

Useful Mint Chocolate Trip F2
Open pollination preservation run is done.
I got 100% germination on the pack, 9 males. I kept 5 males and open pollinated with the 2 females, 1 tall pheno and a beautiful stocky one.

These are intended as a tribute, in honor of "Useful" and to help preserve part of his legacy.
These are NOT FOR SALE! They are a gift, in the spirit of " Usefuls" example of how to be kind and generous, in life. Please, feel free to help " Spread The Love "
Dm me for details.

Damn those look good, what’s she like?

i have never grown the blueberry hp or boo.
But while growing I could definitely distinguish the Two throughout.

I had three more hash plant leaning
and one boo.

They primarily stood themselves without aid , were lighter eaters and held up there flowers without aid.

She has a bit of a pungent stink that my wife doesn’t quite like , so it picks up in your clothes. This might not be a bad thing. Lol

When breaking up it has a sweet orange berry smell ( in the cure bags I breath deep and I get is fresh weed) . Smells dank.

It has a strong indica hash side taste followed by some spice like.
Clouds very good burning to nice white ash.

Buzz is all in my head heavy on the eyes over time.

i have never grown the blueberry hp or boo.
But while growing I could definitely distinguish the Two throughout.

I had three more hash plant leaning
and one boo.

They primarily stood themselves without aid , were lighter eaters and held up there flowers without aid.

She has a bit of a pungent stink that my wife doesn’t quite like , so it picks up in your clothes. This might not be a bad thing. Lol

When breaking up it has a sweet orange berry smell ( in the cure bags I breath deep and I get is fresh weed) . Smells dank.

It has a strong indica hash side taste followed by some spice like.
Clouds very good burning to nice white ash.

Buzz is all in my head heavy on the eyes over time.

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Sounds like I might be cracking my pack open sooner than later! Lol
i have never grown the blueberry hp or boo.
But while growing I could definitely distinguish the Two throughout.

I had three more hash plant leaning
and one boo.

They primarily stood themselves without aid , were lighter eaters and held up there flowers without aid.

She has a bit of a pungent stink that my wife doesn’t quite like , so it picks up in your clothes. This might not be a bad thing. Lol

When breaking up it has a sweet orange berry smell ( in the cure bags I breath deep and I get is fresh weed) . Smells dank.

It has a strong indica hash side taste followed by some spice like.
Clouds very good burning to nice white ash.

Buzz is all in my head heavy on the eyes over time.

View attachment 5347144
Wow! Nice work!
Finally got some cuts from my Chocolate Diesel plant, should root in a week or so. It took awhile because of my shitty germination method & I lost about 2 seeds & only one made it. I had to switch back to a peat mix from coco coir, now no more damping off, plants are strong & healthy. Only use the coco coir to clone in now with about 100% success rate so far but for starting seeds it was a damping off disaster!