User Ranking System

I was wondering that too. So it's all about responding to other posts.



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I don't get how the rankings work. I'm still at stranger but I got an album up and everything else with it, journal, posts, groups,
I don't get how the rankings work. I'm still at stranger but I got an album up and everything else with it, journal, posts, groups,

User Ranking System
Rollitup's ranking system is based on the amount of posts you have:

0 Stranger
25 Learning How To Roll
50 Able To Roll A Joint
100 marijuana Toker
200 Ganja Smoker
400 Pot Head
420 420 TIME
700 Stoner
1200 Teaching How To Roll
1600 Veteran Smoker
2500 Mr.Ganja
5000 Super Stoner
10000 marijuana EXPERT
50000 Ganja God

You should get points for starting threads that others post in especially if they keep everyone's interests.
Hey I'm just slightly confused about something. In order to access the Elite Rolling Society, is the only way to pay the subscription? Or do any other ranks achievable from posts allow access to it? Don't get me wrong I'm not a trying to be a cheapskate, just wondering =]