Uses of Super Plant Tonic

bump cuz everyone should know this!

hey ohso i read that u use this for rooting clones? do you use just this straight as a root dip and thats it, no gels or nuthin?
Mclovin420... Sorry, I missed your question. I generally use rooting gel for clones, like Oliva's or Root Tech. I have used SPT mixed 1/2 teaspoon to 16 ounces of water, as a clone dip and gotten good results. Either will work.
Now on the second or third day after putting my clones in rapid rooters or peat pellets - I do water in a small amount of mixed up SPT, but not much. From that 16 ounces of SPT (mix) spoken of above, I give each one only one teaspoon - to protect the clones & help promote root growth.
After that, I do not apply any more SPT until I see roots busting out.
Hope this helps....
The growing season for us " Outdoor Types " is coming up hard and fast. If you haven't prepared you planting holes yet - time to get on it. I thought I'd bump this back up - since, having good micro-beasties (beneficial bacteria & myco fungi) in your holes ahead of time - offers real advantages. Breaks down insoluble NPK, offers protection for roots, and enhances root growth - once Mary settles in.
Hey old man, got my holes all dug and prep'd, with the cow manure, compost, rabbit poop and SPT. I'm going to run those skunks you gave me again. How is the super soil grow going ?
what if your local tap water has chloramine instead of chlorine? do i have to keep buying gallons of bottled water to make my tea or can i use those aquarium drops?
what if your local tap water has chloramine instead of chlorine? do i have to keep buying gallons of bottled water to make my tea or can i use those aquarium drops?
OdBsMyDog.... Those aquarium drops will work and are pretty safe. I'd personally just check the label to make sure they are not made in China (land of cheap shit & deadly cheaper subsitutions).
Also you might consider, catching rainwater, water from a local stream, river, lake or pond (maybe a little inconvenant, but cheap) - or even better a RO system. A one time investment of $ 200 to $ 275 for a decent RO systemt is not bad.
Then you & your plants will have better quality water to drink. Replace filters every 8 to 12 months (depending on use), which is some expense, but better than drinking all the chemicals your municipal water treatment facility drops in your water.
Hey old man, got my holes all dug and prep'd, with the cow manure, compost, rabbit poop and SPT. I'm going to run those skunks you gave me again. How is the super soil grow going ?

Hey CIC.... Good deal, those are soild girls. They smell like three day old roadkill, but the yield never disappoints.
Subcool's recipe is very good, so far all the NL # 5, I'm running are loving this mix. I'll keep you posted.
I'm up north tonight and for a few days. Doing some installation work at a up scale, weekend rental cabin resort. I'm going fishing, you know me....
So, I'll shout at you later......when I get back to the Rock......
yeah i think i might just bite the bullet and save up for an RO because i love making teas and i love drinking clean water... plus i've heard that those drops dont work as well for chloramine..
I get mine at the grocery store. It costs me about $3 to refill my 6 gallon jug. From that I get 3-7 ppm Reverse Osmosis water.

Having your own Reverse Osmosis filter would be nice, but this way seems to be more economical to the home grower. I am actually thinking of going back to tap water, as ours is naturally riverbed filtered... has just a bit of chlorine added and nothing else (which will dissipate in about an hour when left standing... don't give me the "1 day" crap... the chlorine is gone much before that. Trust me.) It ususally checks in at around 165-170 ppm.

Not too shabby, but what do you guys think about using straight tap water in an organic container soil grow?
I would just like to report, BTW... that I have been watering my cilantro with this stuff every other week for the past 2 months... and the plants are now ranging from 2.5-3.5 feet tall. these things have TRUNKS on them. I can't even imagine what those roots must look like compared to normal cilantro roots.
I would just like to report, BTW... that I have been watering my cilantro with this stuff every other week for the past 2 months... and the plants are now ranging from 2.5-3.5 feet tall. these things have TRUNKS on them. I can't even imagine what those roots must look like compared to normal cilantro roots.

i just went to grab my backup bottle of SPT that i had received approx. 3 weeks ago. to my dismay i found that the cap was still screwed on tightly! i must have forgot to loosen it before storing. are the beasties still alive or is my bottle useless?
i just went to grab my backup bottle of SPT that i had received approx. 3 weeks ago. to my dismay i found that the cap was still screwed on tightly! i must have forgot to loosen it before storing. are the beasties still alive or is my bottle useless?
Somebody041..... If you stored it in mild temps (above freezing and less then 85 degrees), and out of bright light, you should be fine. I'd pour an ounce out, add one 1/2 ounce of unchlorinated water and a 1/4 teaspoon of unsulphured molasses or sugar in the raw.
Leave the cap loose and within 24 hours, if even a few micro-beasties are alive in there, they will turn into millions..... the odds are in your favor......
Hope this helps.....
Keep it Real...Organic.....
Somebody041..... If you stored it in mild temps (above freezing and less then 85 degrees), and out of bright light, you should be fine. I'd pour an ounce out, add one 1/2 ounce of unchlorinated water and a 1/4 teaspoon of unsulphured molasses or sugar in the raw.
Leave the cap loose and within 24 hours, if even a few micro-beasties are alive in there, they will turn into millions..... the odds are in your favor......
Hope this helps.....
Keep it Real...Organic.....

thanks ohso!!!
Does storing SPT in the refrigerator kill the good bacteria I need? Maybe just a little? Also, does storing it this way remove the need to keep the cap on tight, or anything special? What if I make myself a gallon of fert, or a quart of their foliar spray -- I thought low temps kill all bacteria -- that's why cold storage was invented?!
OdBsMyDog.... Those aquarium drops will work and are pretty safe. I'd personally just check the label to make sure they are not made in China (land of cheap shit & deadly cheaper subsitutions).
Also you might consider, catching rainwater, water from a local stream, river, lake or pond (maybe a little inconvenant, but cheap) - or even better a RO system. A one time investment of $ 200 to $ 275 for a decent RO systemt is not bad.
Then you & your plants will have better quality water to drink. Replace filters every 8 to 12 months (depending on use), which is some expense, but better than drinking all the chemicals your municipal water treatment facility drops in your water.

this concerns the RO system. I got a cheap one. Love it. Paid like 80 dollars for it one ebay. 4 stage Di.

The price is so good becasue it is portable and unweildy. A setup that fills a 5 gallon barrel in a day, so it is basically a special interest peice.

Works good for me. As long as I dont watch it work a drop at a time. lol, also remeber to turn it off, i have left work because something jogged my brain it was still filling a 5 gallon. Floods possible.

plants love it. 0 ppm. well close is what i can vouch as my ppm pen is a wack job. but close enough.

ro is a good choice the water is real bad in public systems! plants in hydro showed definate improvement, so must be better for soil.:weed:
Hey OhSo if you use store bought bottled water for your plants do you know if the pH is already neutral or will you have to still let the water sit out overnight to let the pH get stable, and then add in the SPT?
Does storing SPT in the refrigerator kill the good bacteria I need? Maybe just a little? Also, does storing it this way remove the need to keep the cap on tight, or anything special? What if I make myself a gallon of fert, or a quart of their foliar spray -- I thought low temps kill all bacteria -- that's why cold storage was invented?!
Kirby.... I sent the guy who actually invented the stuff a email once and asked him a bunch of questions. He told me basically - Storing in the frig will not kill these micro-beasties, it just slows down their metabolism to a crawl. Freezing will kill most of them, but not all, and temps over 85 for extended periods of time (a week to 10 days) will kill every last one of them.
If you put it in the frig, you can tighten the cap. I keep my bottles in a Rubbermaid loose ceral holder I picked up at wally world. I put a skull & crossbones on it and keep it in the back of my beer frig. I tell all my buds, that's not imported beer, don't drink it......
He explained that in nature these micro-beasties are able to go into a suspended animation mode, during winter. The ones closest to the top layer of soil will freeze & die, but the ones deeper down, below the freeze line, just sleep for the winter. Once things warm up, they repopulate in no time.
Hope this helps......
Keep it Real.....Organic....
Hey OhSo if you use store bought bottled water for your plants do you know if the pH is already neutral or will you have to still let the water sit out overnight to let the pH get stable, and then add in the SPT?
Droski7..... The pH of bottled water will be stable. What the pH will be ? varies from company to company. But generally it's good, between 5.5 & 6.5
Letting water sit overnight, serves two purposes. One - it lets chlorine evaporate (if there is any in it) & Two - it ensures the water is at room temp and will not shock your plants when applied.
Lot's of grocery stores and even Wal-mart have those Reverse Osmosis water jug filling stations. You put down a deposit for a jug, large bottle, etc. then just pay as you go for refills. The water coming out of those is real clean ( 0 - 10 ppm), virtually no chlorine, & a pH between 5.5 & 6 which is good, plus it's very cheap......
Hope this helps......
Keep it Real...Organic.....
Has any one put this in there teas like compost,worm poo, unsulphured molasses, and air bubbler sounds like it would be good
Thanks OhSo, By the end of this week my seeds will be in, and i will be ready to start. Looking forward to starting a new thread and hopefully you can oversee what i do so that i don't mess anything up. Although i pretty much get the jist of things. In my soil mixture i was going to use Compost, Worm-Castings, Vermaculite, Perlite, and soil. Do you think this will be a good mixture?? If not please help. Thanks, Droski.
Kirby.... I sent the guy who actually invented the stuff a email once and asked him a bunch of questions. He told me basically - Storing in the frig will not kill these micro-beasties, it just slows down their metabolism to a crawl. Freezing will kill most of them, but not all, and temps over 85 for extended periods of time (a week to 10 days) will kill every last one of them.
If you put it in the frig, you can tighten the cap. I keep my bottles in a Rubbermaid loose ceral holder I picked up at wally world. I put a skull & crossbones on it and keep it in the back of my beer frig. I tell all my buds, that's not imported beer, don't drink it......
He explained that in nature these micro-beasties are able to go into a suspended animation mode, during winter. The ones closest to the top layer of soil will freeze & die, but the ones deeper down, below the freeze line, just sleep for the winter. Once things warm up, they repopulate in no time.
Hope this helps......
Keep it Real.....Organic....

hey ohso, my growroom sometime gets into the 90's. does this mean i am killing off the spt i put in the pots?