Using a 400W MH?


Well-Known Member
I'm about to get a 400watt MH's free from a friend so I'm not complaining at all. But my quesiton is...will a 400watt MH be sufficient to grow 5 or 10 plants? I kind of want to set up a dwc system but for my first grow I might just go with organic.


Well-Known Member
I was told you want to use a HPS for flowering but I was also told this light is fine for the whole grow.


Well-Known Member
u can actually use a mh all the way through,or hps all the way through, or split em mh for veg hps for flower, or if your made of cash both of them through both stages, optimum results with out breaking the bank are to split em up tho


Well-Known Member
sounds dannnk...ive got a few seeds from a buddies grow last year. I still havent figured out what kind of bud it is, but it looked and sort of smelt like a diesel, but had a strong strawberry i think i'm going to start with those once i move into my new townhouse


Well-Known Member
another i know that the light used has a lot to determine the yield from each plant...for those of you who are using or have used a 400w MH...what are your typical yields?


Well-Known Member
i get 15 under mine. with a 100 for side lighting how did that light work out for ya. its a year later right? any pics?


Active Member
Totally fine.But remember.Basically a good grow is a gram a watt and a okay grow .5 gram a watt.I used a 400 watt hps for my first two grows and now i use a 400 & 600 hps so i can get a 2lb yield in 90 days .Before i got 9 oz of frosty buds and now it is 2lbs. You will eventually like the extra bud and switch.Also the buds are much more dense .But i do miss the fact that a 400 watt hps is much cooler .Anyway good luck with your grow.


Active Member
hps or mh really is no matter but again after 90 days of looking after the plants i find getting 8-9 oz not worth it .Add a 600 hps or mh with your 400 and you will get 2.5 times the buds.I was happy with a 400 don't get me wrong but many graduate up too a 1000 or like me go with a 600 & 400.It all depends on what you want to invest in the buds.I put down $1000 and went with Lumatek digital ballasts .Cooler and totally silent and kick out 30% more light then a noisy hot magnetic ballast.The $1000 included everything for the whole grow including top shelf seed strains but if you look around you could get away with $850.Cropping out 8 oz and cropping out just over 2 lbs is a big difference .Worth the $$$ in the long run.All my buddies started with a 400 then 1000 and now run 2-3 1000 watt hps start too finish.God luck with your grow.


bongsmilie hey im goin organic for my first to i like the gardaning and i dont have the doe for hydro or the expertise i got a 400w mh and im gunna get sum organic soil and nutes im doin real good so far n the light gives me sunshine all year round so no sunshine blues on the cold winter nights


I got a 400 watt MH given to me as well, all this talk bout Hps lights MH was used to grow long b4 they were used, hightech, n more money. Use what u got and heres a pic of my setup, 7$ light sockets I took the hoods off, 2 way socket, 4 for 10 $ 26 watt light bulbs, flour, n 1 40 watt flour. I use these for the vegg as u can see and when I start to flower on March 19, I will plug in my big daddy MH ;0) If u got it the $, be smart and keep it unless u plan on going big career wise ;0)



hey people new to all of this check out my pics and posts comment or give ideas plz! 1st grow ever tried but everything is goin smoothly and on schedule... so far could go bad any day lol lets hope not!!!