Using A Candle In The Grow Room


New Member
My guy just stopped by and said that he puts a candle in his grow room because he Co2 or something does anyone else have any experience with this or ever heard of the sort?


My guy just stopped by and said that he puts a candle in his grow room because he Co2 or something does anyone else have any experience with this or ever heard of the sort?
Whats up bro..!? Na, I hadn't never herd of that b4 myself, who knows... But, if your looking 4 a "cheap" way 2 provide C02 to your girls my man, then get you a few packs of "plain
old yeast" at any grocery store & then get you a 2 littler pop bottle, add your yeast to the bottle, then add approximately a cup of sugar, add HOT water to that mixture,
then pop the cap on it, shake it up a bit, and poke a few holes in the lid or just simply remove the lid in your grow room!! Works like a charm!!... :lol:


Well-Known Member
My guy just stopped by and said that he puts a candle in his grow room because he Co2 or something does anyone else have any experience with this or ever heard of the sort?
its been chatted about on here in the past but never done it my self ;-)


Active Member
Just imagine a dying leaf falling off your plant and right onto the candle flame. Poof, grow gone, firemen at your house and the fire marshall investigating how the fire started...

Bad idea, stick to yeast if you need cheap co2


Well-Known Member
If you want a cheap reliable source of extra co2 for your grow room, just sit in it for a while.

As mentioned, candle or any other live flame is just asking for trouble.


Well-Known Member
A candle would produce such little C02 it really would not amount to anything. If you happened to have a cooler room, a kerosene convection heater would actually help a good bit.


Active Member
go with yeast as long as you dont drop a single drop of that liquid,
yeast is a fungus and you dont want mold do ya ;)


if the flame burns blue it creates CO2 carbon dioxide - i.e safe appliances like your cooker/stove.

if a flame burns yellow/orange it creates CO carbon monoxide, which can and will kill your plants in high enough quantities just like it will kill you.

source: my open fire, log burning nerd forum.


I myself just use the sugar, yeast, and warm water, all mixed up in a 2 ltr pop bottle!! Works fine for me!! And the plants LOVE the shit!!And it sure the hell doesn't breakmy bank!! Say, like a Co2 tank and regulater system + not to mention all the other shit you would more then likley have to have!!