Using a miricle grow soil mix indoors seems to be burning everything??


Active Member
I use Miracle Grow Organic choice 100 per natural . won't do anything to your plants EXCEPT MAKE THEM GROW NICE


Well-Known Member
I did a few grows with Miracle Grow potting soil and found it to be fine without added nutrients until about the 3rd week in 12/12. I did a grow journal on this and is in my signature link to my grows. One thing to remember.....make sure the bag of MG you buy isn't really heavy. Many of these places store 'em outside and they get soaked, thus screwing up the time-released nutrients.

Alexander Supertramp

Well-Known Member
MG perlite only states nutrients on the label because it is processed with the same machinery as their other products. It does not contain any appreciable nutrients and the first time its watered the residue of nutrients are gone.


Active Member
MG perlite only states nutrients on the label because it is processed with the same machinery as their other products. It does not contain any appreciable nutrients and the first time its watered the residue of nutrients are gone.
Exactly, I was only suggesting that he should use the Miracle grow instead of the other Miracle product he is using. The Organic choice is good for a few weeks as per label. I add Neptune's Harvest Fish fertilizer in as little as 7 days. No harm here, as a amendment for vegging. That is all you should need. Keep it simple.


Well-Known Member
what I have found out about mg is that a lot of ppl will say it is crap talk about organics ect but some of the ppl talking use atleast one thing that is not organic during the grow and then talk about how they use fancy named organic soil but like one guy said and from what ive seen kmart wally world depot all have mg organic products now so you can even get mg stuff that is organic.

but what im starting to see is that all the big market hype of other brands might work for some but not others what I have found is you can use reg mg potting soil and it is cheap if you add something in it to lighten it up like perlite or vermiculite if it is moisture control then you for sure gotta lighten it up maybe even let it sit out before you use it .

Also the soil runs hot so so if you notice burnt tips and purple turning stems then ph might be somewhat low the other day I picked up some pulverized lime mixed some in with my soil and now it seems like the stems are starting to turn back to green and the purple is clearing up.

so basicly I wont sit here and knock brand name soils or anything but you can use mg and get it to work but it is kinda hot and if you don't put enough light on whatever your trying to grow if you think say one blue 25w cfl is gonna make one plant grow in miracle grow no way it will just burn and eventually die whole leaves turning yellow then brown tips so of course you also need decent amounts of light or you will have problems right up until bud even if you do get it to grow.

if you don't have enough light then the soil aint gonna use its nutes fast enough then you will run into problems.

So ya im finding out that the mg soil is very hot runs a low ph around 5.5-6 and the gallons of most spring water run around a 6.8which obviously aint high enough to level out the ph of the soil so you gotta add alil lime to mg and don't give it any nutes in veg.

Sure I like humbolt gold or dutch delight whatever soil you wanna call it it looks real nice and comes in a nice bright bag doesn't have a bunch of nutes time released .

But with that stuff if you don't use any nutes ive found that the harvest outdoors or indoors is limited slightly and if you add too much of the wrong thing to it chemical or organic based you can still have the same problems with miracle grow if not worse.
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Well-Known Member
one more tthing it is important to let the soil dry out and the plant reach for food . if you over water after adding lime the plant can burn in some other way show rust spots as your releasing more ammonia based nitrogen from the soil into the plant and medium aswell as releasing some other nutrients from the lime.

With a clone you might have less nute burn then a seedling as more of the nutes in the soil can be used by the plant and root mass because they tend to be more developed and bigger.

so if you over water lime is prolly not gonna save you with miracle grow more n then needed gets released and if you think that oh well if I flush all the nutes will run out in the water to the bottom of the pot well your wrong you will just be over watering it and releasing more of these time released chemical nutes.

If your using a fairly neutral soil like happy frog or fox farm or a promix type mixture you can most times flush out added excess nutes but with mg adding a nute along with 6 months feeding nutes that are already in the soil they will really start to burn and slow down and stress certain varietys will stress out real bad and burn worse then others.

If people especially complete newbies like I used to be just took the time to figure well im gonna have to use mg soil so which has nutes maybe I should do a strain that can uptake and use nutes really well something along that line then maybe during its growth it will use em all by the end of the grow idk its shit like that to think about on a first grow with cheap soil.

Aslo some places have a brand called vigoro which has half the nutes mg has idk the price difference right off hand but id look into that

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
I don't grow in soil so I don't have any of these problems and my grow medium can be reused year after year after year. The red is because there is too much magnesium in the mix and it's locking out other nutrients.


Well-Known Member
I can tell you right now q I dressed the top of the soil with about a quarter of a cup of lime mixed it in and now the leaves appear to be pointing straight out not curling up or down the stems on the branches also appear to be turning back green for the most part the stems have stopped turning red.

and I have a huge root ball on my indica I have going all leaves are healthy accept a couple huge older ones on the bottom but I cant assure you the leaves and stems on both indica and sativa I have are massive.


Well-Known Member
People like to bash MG..don't use it then sucks Punta! Step your game up and don't blame the soil. Blame the fragile boney crusty hairy hands that feeds the soil.

Holy Grail 888

Well-Known Member
I f you are using MG Soil (which has nutes already in it) and MG Perlite (which also has nutes in it) then you probaly have to many nutes. That stuff is all time release, not sure what you can do at this point.
Plant chilli seeds to absorb the heat.. they will burn at first then go green again... this will take the heat out for long enough for the plant to be stronger. you dont need nutes with MG. just add water..
so simple.


Holy Grail 888

Well-Known Member
Shit has nutes already, stop adding more! Try this...

If potting mix (its thick, and heavy as fuck and stays wet too long, add a fuck-load of perilite to it, to get the thing to drain right.) Feeds up to 3 months, So when you re-pot for flower in a bigger pot, dont do a fucking thing other than PH the water, go low, like lower 6's.

Moisture control (the kind that prevents under/over watering, has been great for me, try to mimic its draining effect, get some.) Feeds up to 6 months, So you dont need to touch this at all with any nutes, what so ever... Start - finish, If your rocking plants longer than 6 months in the same soil, Wait till the plant starts to starve before adding nutes, and if this is so, its either a mother plant, or a gargantuan fucker, which can take a licken and keep ticken.

Also, people who say no to miracle grow, take it like this, I have a very experienced soil grower I have as a co worker at my job, who was legit cali, etc etc. The words "hard to top miracle grow" came out of his mouth, when I talked about my trials with other more "premium soils" such as foxfarm, blah blah blah. Hell I had clones of the same shit, one in FFLW, then FFOF... The other was in MG, moisture control the whole run... Guess which one was twice as big?

The don't go MG argument is just like the "just say no to drugs"... Obviously you are already against the grain, lol.
nailed it with that... your dead right. MG can produce very very good results. however newbies cant use it..
cos they love adding crap and playing doctor diagnosing crap that never existed..
