Using Advanced Nutrients PH Down, need help.


Active Member
My PH (soil, indoors) is 7.9, I want to lower it, does anyone have a suggestion on how much to start with per gal of water? I dnt have a water PH tester, only soil.


Active Member
I thought I could just add a little bit of the PH down to the plants water and then test the soil, and if its still high, add a little more? The PH in my water is obviously high.

Should I start with a tbsp per gal? what do other ppl usually do?


Well-Known Member
You need to regularly test and balance the PH of your watering solution. This all but impossible without a tester. Spend the $5 and get a test kit. If your PH is off by even a tiny bit it will have a huge impact on your plants. If the PH is not correct, the plants will not be able to absorb nutrients. Even 1/10 of a point off will cause problems. Without a test kit you'll have no way of correctly balancing the PH and your crop will suffer.


Well-Known Member
You need to regularly test and balance the PH of your watering solution. This all but impossible without a tester. Spend the $5 and get a test kit. If your PH is off by even a tiny bit it will have a huge impact on your plants. If the PH is not correct, the plants will not be able to absorb nutrients. Even 1/10 of a point off will cause problems. Without a test kit you'll have no way of correctly balancing the PH and your crop will suffer.

This is Totally untrue. Having PH off by 1/10 or even 5/10 of a point will do nothing. Your PH could EASILY be between 5.5 and 7.0 without stress, although between 6 and 6.5 is ideal and thats in a hydro system, soil is even more forgiving.

Soil will naturally buffer your PH, soil is a Lot more forgiving if your PH is up or down by .5 you wont have any issues at all.

Getting a water PH test kit is probably a good idea, at least after a test you will know if you have bad water, and if you even need to adjust.

I have Never, not Once adjusted my PH for soil grows. You really shouldnt be adjusting PH unless your plants are showing stress, once you start adjusting PH it can be a never ending game of correcting and recorrecting.

I think the best thing for you to do is get a cheap water PH test kit to get a good baseline of your waters PH, then decide how much, if any, PH adjuster you should use.


Well-Known Member
No, this is not untrue... this is absolutely true. Every plant has a threshold and if you cross the threshold your plants will suffer. Some strains thrive in a PH of 6.2 while others thrive at 6.5. If the PH is off there will be a noticeable effect on the plant. While soil is more "forgiving", the fact remains that, if the PH is not correctly balanced the plant will not be able to properly absorb nutrients. Just because you've never tested or adjusted the PH of your grows doesn't mean that it is unnecessary. It just means that you are lucky that your plants happen to thrive at the level your soil and solutions happen to be at. You have no idea what the PH of his tap water is in his municipality, so it is bad advice to tell him not to worry about it.


Active Member
thx for all of your advice, fyi, i'm a her ;)
i'm going to go shop for a PH water meter tomorrow, can i just get a digial one? whats the cheapest I can find that?


Well-Known Member
thx for all of your advice, fyi, i'm a her ;)
i'm going to go shop for a PH water meter tomorrow, can i just get a digial one? whats the cheapest I can find that?
Fuck yeah chick growers! My babe loves to read up and get shit done!

Also, If the PH of the 'soil' you say, not your 'water' is at 7.9, you need to flush the soil and water only with ph adjusted nutrient water


Active Member
lol well i'm not someones babe tryin to learn some stuff lol i built my grow room myself, learned everything myself, my GIRLFRIEND loves to learn with me tho ;)


Well-Known Member
lol well i'm not someones babe tryin to learn some stuff lol i built my grow room myself, learned everything myself, my GIRLFRIEND loves to learn with me tho ;)
Lets face it, females ARE the minority in the world of canabis cultivation. Its pleasant to see you posting is all I meant.

And you dont have to convince me that females are equally as capable, if it were not for my girl, I would be lost.

And no need to throw your lesbianism out there, what's the difference between A boy loving a girl, or a girl loving a girl, or boy, yeah you get it.



Active Member
nothing wrong with throwing lesbianism around either tho ;) hehehe j/k just get a lot of stuff on the cannibis websites about being a female, then everyone assumes there must be a man somewhere doing all the work!!

and FYI, I can outsmoke any man in the cannibis world its a wonder men run it.


Well-Known Member
nothing wrong with throwing lesbianism around either tho ;) hehehe j/k just get a lot of stuff on the cannibis websites about being a female, then everyone assumes there must be a man somewhere doing all the work!!

and FYI, I can outsmoke any man in the cannibis world its a wonder men run it.

Right on, I would totally challenge you to a smoke off if we were not super secret, illegal, dangerous, criminal, canabis cultivators...


Well-Known Member
No, this is not untrue... this is absolutely true. Every plant has a threshold and if you cross the threshold your plants will suffer. Some strains thrive in a PH of 6.2 while others thrive at 6.5. If the PH is off there will be a noticeable effect on the plant. While soil is more "forgiving", the fact remains that, if the PH is not correctly balanced the plant will not be able to properly absorb nutrients. Just because you've never tested or adjusted the PH of your grows doesn't mean that it is unnecessary. It just means that you are lucky that your plants happen to thrive at the level your soil and solutions happen to be at. You have no idea what the PH of his tap water is in his municipality, so it is bad advice to tell him not to worry about it.

What you said was having PH off by even 1/10 of a point will effect your plants, this wont happen. Having PH off can cause problems, but you should not be adjusting unless your noticing stress, or if you have bad water to start with.

Also when I say not to worry about it I mean dont get all worried and paranoid that your plants are fuckd from having PH off by half a point. I clearly said to test the water to get a baseline. And if you actually read my post you would know I also said not to adjust unless they are showing stress.

If it aint broke dont fix it. Period.

Yes every plant has a threshold and every plant is different, but going around and telling people that having your water PH off by .1 or even .5 is going to fuck your plants is not such a great idea because then people think they need to adjust their PH constantly and the fact is, its going to be worse in the long run if your constantly adjusting PH. I didnt say I never have tested, I said I never need to adjust anymore for my SOIL grows.

Again, you should get a cheap water test kit and get a baseline for your waters PH then decide how much, If Any PH adjuster to use.

rola you should really read the whole post before making more claims.


Well-Known Member
Yes every plant has a threshold and every plant is different, but going around and telling people that having your water PH off by .1 or even .5 is going to fuck your plants is not such a great idea because then people think they need to adjust their PH constantly and the fact is, its going to be worse in the long run if your constantly adjusting PH. I didnt say I never have tested, I said I never need to adjust anymore for my SOIL grows.
I agree with you. For the most part things will be fine if they keep their watering solution within an acceptable range. The point I was trying to make is that maintaining the correct PH is vital to the health of the plant because it affects the plants ability to properly absorb and use the nutrients. I wasn't trying to spook anyone unnecessarily, and I agree that fretting over a 1/10 point is overkill as long as the PH stays within the correct range. I apologize if my post came off as extreme. Peace :-D


Well-Known Member
bottom line you need a ph test kit before you even know if thats your problem. normally ph isnt a problem if your running soil. hydroponics is where the ph could be a issue. also if your reusing your soil it could become an issue. if its store bought with lime as a buffer you really souldnt have an issue. your gender has nothing to do with growing plants. its all about how you apply yourself. peace


Well-Known Member
I have not read this thread yet


I have Advanced Nutrients PH down

and 1 fucking drop

lowers my PH like 2.0

its crazzzzzy

get a ph tester before you use it

or death will happen.

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
First thing you should do is add dolomite lime to your soil if it is at 7.9(some would tell you not to use a soil with a starting ph of 7.3 or higher but that is completely up to you)--If you decide to use the soil-2 heaping tablespoons per gallon of soil will do. Then keep in mind that most nutes will lower the ph of your feed water. You can go as cheap as the AQUARIUM ph tester for 6 bucks all the way up to 300-500 bucks for hand-held multi meters---(if you are just starting out you can get away with the eyedropper w/color charts from wal mart or hydro stores). AN says to feed at 6.3 in soil but as long as your close to 6-6.6 you will be just fine. You may need ph down after you put your nutes in your feed water.


Well-Known Member
My PH (soil, indoors) is 7.9, I want to lower it, does anyone have a suggestion on how much to start with per gal of water? I dnt have a water PH tester, only soil.
well if you dont have one ur screwed. cuz water ph and soil ph are not always the same! im sure you got one by now