using airator to aerate the soil. please help.


Well-Known Member
Can you; or have you ever heard of anyone using an aerator to aerate their soil. i forgot to add perlite in my soil and now my plant is suffering. ive come to the conclusion my plant roots are not getting oxygen. the plants have slowed down on growing. im thinking its b/c its growing roots instead of leaves so it can absorb water better. i was going to use hydrogen peroxide but i heard it will kill microbes. (using FF big bloom). i am wondering if you could hook up a fish tank aerator to the bottom of the pot for 5 or so minutes to aerate!! i will give you rep!!!
Fish tank aerators are for water, not soil. You need to transplant into a well drained potting media to give your plants better aeration.
thanks for your help. +rep. my plant is in FF Ocean Forest.(5 gallon pot) she is a month and a half. i just dont think it would be plausable to transplant.
If you don't want to transplant you could aerate the soil by gently cultivating the soil media by using a chopstick or similar tool to give the media more aeration. Next planting add additional perlite to the soil media for added drainage and aeration
get two or three bendy straws, sink one all the way to the bottom,have one pushed to the middle and one close to the top of the soil. the opening in the straw will bring in O2. (just a stoned ramble, might work though)
updat!!! well i stuck the aerator tube in the bottom of my pots. i did this every other day the past four days (5 MINUTES EACH TIME) and have noticed only a positive outcome. the plants are both noticbly bigger compared to last week when they werent growing!