Using clay balls in bio all mix


New Member
Hello all I'm thinking of using clay balls in my all mix soil to try to give my roots more air as at last harvest there wer no roots at all on the outside of the plant and every leaf was yellow I've tried everything else wen I repot into final pots the roots are fine roots everywhere but once in final pots problems arise wat do the pros think many thanks


Well-Known Member
Marijuana likes soil with good aeration and it doesn't really matter how you get it. Most people use 20% to 30% perlite, but hydroton will work too. I have used it effectively both in soil and in coco. So go for it...I hope it helps your grow. Also, you could go to a garden supply place and buy a root hormone product to encourage good root growth if that continues to be a problem.
Good luck,


New Member
Thanks john
i have been using root juice as well pulling my hair out with this problem when I repot plenty roots but wen I harvest all I get is poor yields massive yellowing and the plant has no roots on outside which tells me roots are not getting something so I think oxygen could be the problem


Well-Known Member
Well Johndrum...I'll bounce some idea off ya to see what you think.

So you're focusing on the soil aeration issue. It's important. So do the hydroton thing (or perlite, doesn't matter). There's a guy who called himself BOG (Bushy old grower) He sells seeds now but many years ago wrote a book about his grow style. When transplanted up, he left the old soil/rootmass perhaps 1 1/2" above the new soil. Each time he transplanted, he did that so by the time he was in the final 5 gallon pots, the top looked a bit like a wedding cake. He claimed it aided in aeration as well as giving a little more room for roots. You could try that.

I'm currently participating on another thread about whether it's a good idea to aerate water. This is what I will recommend to a small aquarium pump and airstone and for maybe 10 minutes before watering (or adding nutrient mix) throw the airstone in and let it bubble. That will add some oxygen.

A good wet/dry cycle is important to aeration since as the soil dries, it draws air down into the soil. So make sure you don't overwater...

One final issue...this could be totally unrelated to aeration and roots. When you go into flower and the plant stretches, it's not a bad idea to continue using your N heavy GROW nutrients for the first 2 or 3 weeks...before switching to Bloom nutes. And are you adding a bloom booster at week 5? That's commonly when people do that.

That's all that comes to mind about your situation. Why don't you start a grow thread for your next run to allow the forum to follow along and help.


New Member
Hi johnd
some great ideas ther will definitely try potting my next plant 1 1/2" above the new soil I do already use grow feed wen in flower to give nitrogen,great idea with the air stone will give that a try as that will put oxygen into the water you know maybe I have been to keen to water and not letting it dry out enough so il do the lifting technique for watering wen dry also I give my plant top max from week 4. One final thing how often do you water my plant is in a 5 gallon pot.can I thank you jd for your help,many thanks


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you're getting there...lots of little details.

Far as frequency of watering, sorry I'd only be guessing. So much depends on the size of plant, humidity and lights. I actually haven't grown in dirt for years, mostly hydro now.

Those soil probe moisture devices work pretty good. If it's a dual meter...ignore the ph part, but for moisture, they are actually a pretty good tool, and cheap too.