Using Credit Cards to order seeds


Spy Vs Spy. You are a hero.

I think we are mulling over odds throughout the process.

My take is obtaining seeds through any method isn't going to be the bottle neck. If people were getting fined or tossed into jail for buying seed we'd hear about it in these groups.

If the locals find out, that's when any issues may bloom.

What are the odds of this:

Plane crashes in north Baton Rouge, resident arrested on drug cultivation charges

A small Cessna aircraft crashed in the backyard of a northern Baton Rouge home Wednesday.

While investigating the crash, authorities found five marijuana plants growing several feet from the crash site, according to WAFB. Betty McManus, 53, was later arrested on charges of cultivation and distribution of marijuana, according to police officials.

Daily Reveille
Theres always a chance to get caught but I choose not to make it easy. The reasons I gave are why I dont use my cc and never would. As far as getting mail delivered to an address apparently you guy live in some strange mayberry town as the postman doesnt give a fuck about the name on the package just the address.You guys know you can send mail with no name at all on it just an address right??Bogus name and a clean address with approval and a card thats just a charge and go no info need. You say I need a cahrge and go visa with (under $100 on it) $90. They ask nothing give you a temp card with a number and no name.Use it and your done. Its always been pretty simple but some will always make it to easy for authorities to find them.To each his own but I will never give the police my personal identifcation with a chargeable offense like ordering seeds connected to me. I persoanlly dont like to get caught or open myself to investigation.Its even better to not order from your computer or isp.Plenty of free places to go use computers online for that.
Get it sent to a P.O. Box , it's safer than your friends address. And you can access at your own convenience, anytime day or night.
Theres always a chance to get caught but I choose not to make it easy. The reasons I gave are why I dont use my cc and never would. As far as getting mail delivered to an address apparently you guy live in some strange mayberry town as the postman doesnt give a fuck about the name on the package just the address.You guys know you can send mail with no name at all on it just an address right??Bogus name and a clean address with approval and a card thats just a charge and go no info need. You say I need a cahrge and go visa with (under $100 on it) $90. They ask nothing give you a temp card with a number and no name.Use it and your done. Its always been pretty simple but some will always make it to easy for authorities to find them.To each his own but I will never give the police my personal identifcation with a chargeable offense like ordering seeds connected to me. I persoanlly dont like to get caught or open myself to investigation.Its even better to not order from your computer or isp.Plenty of free places to go use computers online for that.

Im guessing it depends on where u live because I know in my area a letter or package will not be delivered if the name on it does not match what is on the mailbox of the residency.....and deff if there is no name on it.....I have heard of people's seeds being sent back to the original sender due to having fictitious names......and never getting any thing back......:-|
well i ordered some seeds on mondays this week and they come wednesday morning. i used a m.card or visa. when i order seeds, i like to do it over the telephone, so i know where i am. dont trust ordering over the p.c.
???? U mean ur getting them in 2 days....? or next wed?....Ordering over the phone is that possible from the states? Ur in Europe I presume?
I worry about using a CC# and personal info when ordering.....but like most people i must not worry too much.

No matter what you use to pay or where you send the shippment....if you ordered from a ISP# (your internet ID) that is connected to a computer sitting in your livingroom, you are going to have a hard time claiming " Someone stole my CC# I never ordered that!"
Thats why I think its so much harder to get caught with the money card even though its faster we will never know how safe that process though
It's called basic paranoia. Hell, if you're going down, it'll be from something else you did or didn't do in the process from seed to bud.
Major number one problem of anyone that grows is keeping it to ones self. It's very hard to keep it to ones self if your "buds" are around and one can't stand to keep from showing what they're doing in the "closet". 10-4?? KEEP IT TO YOURSELF...PERIOD
Filthy makes excellent points about privacy and Curious makes excellent points about practicality.

I'm not going to be selling any of mine so keeping the secret close is easy. If I smoke any friends up, I tell them I bought somewhere. What I must fear is an accidental plane landing on my place or something like that.
Filthy makes excellent points about privacy and Curious makes excellent points about practicality.

I'm not going to be selling any of mine so keeping the secret close is easy. If I smoke any friends up, I tell them I bought somewhere. What I must fear is an accidental plane landing on my place or something like that.

I dont think curious point is really that much of an excellant point and no offense to u Curious....but its not a case of basic paranoia at all is called being CAUTIOUS....and u can never ever be to cautious......... as far as letting people know u grow......Well hell thats rule #1 that thou shall never ever break....and if ur growing and u do that its ur FAULT....plain and simple....:roll:
Yes thats what I thought.....

I think its a crap shoot....But I don't think that we can just assume that its 100% safe to order seeds using a creditcard.....Just like using ebay's paypal system which are suppose to be the one's dropping the dime on people purchasing growing equipment and nutes from ebay's site......We aren't safe anymore and are rights are slowly but surely being stripped away right in front of our eyes....:evil:

I am a big seller on ebay and they placed a selling restriction on my ebay account and my paypal account after I used it to purchase growing equipment. They will not tell my why my account has been restricted but it was the day after I purchased growing equipment and now my account has been restricted for weeks. Theres absolutely no other reason why my account would be restricted I have 98.7% positive feedback, and have never failed to make a transaction.
i just orderd some g13 Armageddon seeds and a 420 scope cant wate. i realy love the color of the plant. and used credit card im not worried. just say your going to eat them if any problems happen. good luck merry xmas

I don't know why Pay Pal would put a stop on your account for buying grow equipment. Seems strange.

I don't know why Pay Pal would put a stop on your account for buying grow equipment. Seems strange.

It really is, but I have been a powerseller on ebay for years now with only one problem about a year ago. :?

I ordered a few thousand dollars worth of grow equipment and my account was restricted the next morning when I logged on.

I have emailed eBay multiple times and they keep sending me an automated email that doesnt answer a single question I ask.

I'm in Michigan. Here, there are several Hydroponic Farms. It's legit.

O/T I live close to 3 cities which all have some form of legalized Medicinal Marijuana. Ferndale, Detroit and Ann Arbor.
I am a big seller on ebay and they placed a selling restriction on my ebay account and my paypal account after I used it to purchase growing equipment. They will not tell my why my account has been restricted but it was the day after I purchased growing equipment and now my account has been restricted for weeks. Theres absolutely no other reason why my account would be restricted I have 98.7% positive feedback, and have never failed to make a transaction.

yup perfect example of ebay and paypal working for the boys in blue................that blows bigtime.......:evil:
yup perfect example of ebay and paypal working for the boys in blue................that blows bigtime.......:evil:

Yeah its resolved now but it was really hurting my business. :evil:

They had also suspended all of my funds on paypal so I could not purchase anything. I would have tried to do something about it but I really didnt want to make a big deal out of it :-?
I can't speak with you any further NSW, they are watching you...Sorry but that is just how it has to be....I would suggest this action to everyone...LOL
Yeah its resolved now but it was really hurting my business. :evil:

They had also suspended all of my funds on paypal so I could not purchase anything. I would have tried to do something about it but I really didnt want to make a big deal out of it :-?

Yeah I hear don't want to create waves it sucks.....We get violated for placing an order on something legit and cant do shit about it........:evil: