using fluorescent lights?


Well-Known Member
Okay ive grown before but used a heat lamp my snake used and didnt work all too good but now tat i got my own place i can start up again now im very tight on money so a hps or mh light is out of question so im thinking fluoresent light i know its good for veg period but can i use it during flowering and yea i have a grow space of 2x3x3 so wat wattage is best for that space and im using the water culture method i learn it in school im growing 4 plants from seeds there germinating right now

Golden Ray

Well-Known Member
Go with a T-5 set, blue lights for veg then switch with red lights for Flower. Very cheap very good set up. Sunblaze t-5 shop around I just bought 3 sets of 4 foot 4 bulb for 135.00 a set. The bulbs are only 17.00 a piece.