Using food grade H202 (35%) in hydro reservoir

I can't comment on chlorine, I use hydrogen peroxide, but peroxide doesnt affect EC or PH in the doses we're talking about, and it degrades in the water over time into hydrogen and oxygen which don't affect the plants, it just kills bacteria before it degrades.

Pool Shock doesn't effect PH ether the Ec don't rise only the recommendation of 1-3ppm..

My Water is clear today after 2 Day's so good

A little birdie told me about this.
When I used pool shock or clorine I did test for free clorine that’s the one you need to keep at or below 5ppm. They make testers for it but I used strips found at wal-mart in the pool section.
Those hypocloris generators look awesome but that’s all what shock and bleach turn into from my understanding and the hypocloris acid breaks down quicker. I don’t know these things as facts just some things I ran across in my searching when I was using sterile res.
When I used pool shock or clorine I did test for free clorine that’s the one you need to keep at or below 5ppm. They make testers for it but I used strips found at wal-mart in the pool section.
Those hypocloris generators look awesome but that’s all what shock and bleach turn into from my understanding and the hypocloris acid breaks down quicker. I don’t know these things as facts just some things I ran across in my searching when I was using sterile res.
I know all about the tests. I've got a few Taylor kits. One of them can test a shitload of other stuff too. I figured all you guys would at least have the cheap $10-15 one.
I know all about the tests. I've got a few Taylor kits. One of them can test a shitload of other stuff too. I figured all you guys would at least have the cheap $10-15 one.
I think Hanna makes one just for free clorine testing that pretty cheap. Way easier than the test strips well at least when your color blind like my self anyway
They all do same thing take water and salt and turn it into hypocloris acid from what I gathered anyway. I’m sure there is good and bad ones though
Many low quality systems manufactured in China are requiring very large quantities of salt. If you see that the directions on a system require 5 to 20 grams of salt per Liter, you can be sure that the electrolysis cell is very small and your solution salinity will be extremely high. Most likely the system is generating sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) and not hypochlorous acid (HOCl).
yep. 2 x a week. since i switched to coco, i'm back using bennies, mycos, etc. but for rdwc/dwc, chlorine is hard to beat
I run same way. Sterile in all my hydro system but coco I have no issues with the bennies. I did try sterile in coco and it did keep my res fresh smelling but I didn’t see the growth rate as I do with the bennies. I didn’t try it long so it’s not a far assumption either I just felt like they slowed a little with the sterile solution
Hey Folks
what you think from this comment here???

Pool shock.may have cleared up the water but it is absolutely bad for plants! It greatly increases free chlorine levels!

Is that true?
Hey Folks
what you think from this comment here???

Pool shock.may have cleared up the water but it is absolutely bad for plants! It greatly increases free chlorine levels!

Is that true?
Too much will kill plants, but it's fine as long as you don't use too much.
thats why hydrogen peroxide is generally safer, as it breaks down into water and oxygen. but it also breaks down quick, like in lesss than a week, so it can only kill bacteria for a short time untill you have to re-dose, if you still need it.