Using food supplements for trace elements?

Nutty sKunK

Well-Known Member
I’m needing to add zinc, copper and manganese to my soil.

Could one use these tablets? Watered down and ppms measured?

Or are these forms of elements useless to the plant? Or do they break down over time?

You would need someone really good at math and motivated to answer your question. I can't help with that, but, Bioag TM-7 is a good micronutrient supplement that Clackamas Coots always recommended. If you go to the Bioag page, they will sell you a little box of samples of a bunch of their products for $10 to cover shipping. It has an 8oz bottle of Bioag Ful Power, and a pouch of each of their dry products, including TM-7, and VAM-their mycorrhizae product. It's a great deal if you want to try out their products, even if you just use those three products which are all outstanding, and it will last for a couple of grows, except for the Ful Power if you use it frequently. I just dose the TM-7 twice, right before 12/12 and right after stretch.
You would need someone really good at math and motivated to answer your question. I can't help with that, but, Bioag TM-7 is a good micronutrient supplement that Clackamas Coots always recommended. If you go to the Bioag page, they will sell you a little box of samples of a bunch of their products for $10 to cover shipping. It has an 8oz bottle of Bioag Ful Power, and a pouch of each of their dry products, including TM-7, and VAM-their mycorrhizae product. It's a great deal if you want to try out their products, even if you just use those three products which are all outstanding, and it will last for a couple of grows, except for the Ful Power if you use it frequently. I just dose the TM-7 twice, right before 12/12 and right after stretch.

That sounds great for some but my iron levels are already decent. It’s my Mn, Zn and Cu levels which need adjusting.

Fe antagonises with Mn so that TM-7 ain’t much use in my case.

I have Mn sulphate but need sources of Cu and Zn. Although Zn levels aren’t low enough for deficiencies you can run quite high volumes of Zinc.

Would PPm be a useful way to measure? If the ingredients are just Cu and Zn and lactobacillus within the capsules?

I might try just to see if I can get any reliable reading when mixed with water
yes you can use those, zinc is zinc...they add esters sometimes to molecules for digestion timing but that wont matter. yes you can measure with PPM if you know the inert fillers it 98% filler 2% zinc?
That sounds great for some but my iron levels are already decent. It’s my Mn, Zn and Cu levels which need adjusting.

Fe antagonises with Mn so that TM-7 ain’t much use in my case.

I have Mn sulphate but need sources of Cu and Zn. Although Zn levels aren’t low enough for deficiencies you can run quite high volumes of Zinc.

Would PPm be a useful way to measure? If the ingredients are just Cu and Zn and lactobacillus within the capsules?

I might try just to see if I can get any reliable reading when mixed with water
This is what's you want. I have a link for $5 off your order too, so let me know if you want it.

This is what's you want. I have a link for $5 off your order too, so let me know if you want it.

Thanks man! Do they ship to the UK?
I've been feeding my plants some of the vitamins and supplements I use for years now but none includes Mn. I don't bother with copper but add zinc citrate, selenium, Vit C, (ascorbic acid), citric acid, B-1 and used to grind up iron tabs too but bought some chelated iron meant for plants. I use DynoMyco and some unfiltered water from the dugout to introduce lots of beneficials to my semi-organic medium using ProMix HP as the base. I water with RO the rest of the time and feed sugars once in while to keep the bio-herd healthy. Flowers of Sulfur too mixed into the soil for slow release as the bugs break it down. Look that one up it's interesting.


I crush everything up in my SS mortar and pestle and grind it to dust. I'll add it to the water I'm going to use with an airstone going for 24 hours before use to dissolve as much as possible. RO can leach those minerals into itself pretty well. Still lots of sediment floating around so have to be shaking everything before pouring as it settles fast. 50W aquarium heater going with the airstone in the 5gal jug so it's nice and warm for the bugs and they like that.

I'm recycling the medium as I go along so as it ages it gets better.

This is what's you want. I have a link for $5 off your order too, so let me know if you want it.

Nothing but US stores dammit! labrat.gif I wouldn't mind some of that. I had a can of Frittered Trace Elements that I would pulverize and mix in with the soil but it breaks down slowly. Can't find the damn can and couldn't find any at any stores even in the city.

thanks for posting the link!

This is what's you want. I have a link for $5 off your order too, so let me know if you want it.

That stuff is actually TM-7 from Bioag, just rebranded for BAS. So if you guys can't find one, maybe you can find the other? I use TM-7 with Maxibloom, since it lacks most micros, but I skip it with Megacrop, because they are already in there. I also use it with Coots mix and my outdoor beds twice per growing season. If you go to the Bioag page, find the link where you can order a "sample pack." They charge $10 for shipping but you get an 8 oz bottle of Ful Power, plus a small package each of their Mycorrhizae, the TM-7, humic acid, and one other thing I forgot. It comes with enough TM-7 for a couple of small grows, so it is WELL worth getting-everything Bioag makes is quality.
That stuff is actually TM-7 from Bioag, just rebranded for BAS. So if you guys can't find one, maybe you can find the other? I use TM-7 with Maxibloom, since it lacks most micros, but I skip it with Megacrop, because they are already in there. I also use it with Coots mix and my outdoor beds twice per growing season. If you go to the Bioag page, find the link where you can order a "sample pack." They charge $10 for shipping but you get an 8 oz bottle of Ful Power, plus a small package each of their Mycorrhizae, the TM-7, humic acid, and one other thing I forgot. It comes with enough TM-7 for a couple of small grows, so it is WELL worth getting-everything Bioag makes is quality.

From my understanding, that statement is not accurate. They are not the same thing - the Big 6 has intentionally omitted the iron that TM-7 includes. Sort of a big difference for the OP since they're trying to avoid the iron inputs. It is correct that BAS had the folks at Bioag make it for them based on TM-7 otherwise.
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I've been feeding my plants some of the vitamins and supplements I use for years now but none includes Mn. I don't bother with copper but add zinc citrate, selenium, Vit C, (ascorbic acid), citric acid, B-1 and used to grind up iron tabs too but bought some chelated iron meant for plants. I use DynoMyco and some unfiltered water from the dugout to introduce lots of beneficials to my semi-organic medium using ProMix HP as the base. I water with RO the rest of the time and feed sugars once in while to keep the bio-herd healthy. Flowers of Sulfur too mixed into the soil for slow release as the bugs break it down. Look that one up it's interesting.

View attachment 4985277

I crush everything up in my SS mortar and pestle and grind it to dust. I'll add it to the water I'm going to use with an airstone going for 24 hours before use to dissolve as much as possible. RO can leach those minerals into itself pretty well. Still lots of sediment floating around so have to be shaking everything before pouring as it settles fast. 50W aquarium heater going with the airstone in the 5gal jug so it's nice and warm for the bugs and they like that.

I'm recycling the medium as I go along so as it ages it gets better.


I’ll take notes buddy cheers!!

I have Mn sulfate and for copper I found a cool trick. Pre 1994 copper Uk coins are 95% copper 2.5% zinc and rest nickel.

I soak these for 48hrs and get about 7ppms worth of those metals.

Never had zinc issues unless my soil pH was off.
This is what's you want. I have a link for $5 off your order too, so let me know if you want it.

They don’t ship overseas :( Never mind
I’ll take notes buddy cheers!!

I have Mn sulfate and for copper I found a cool trick. Pre 1994 copper Uk coins are 95% copper 2.5% zinc and rest nickel.

I soak these for 48hrs and get about 7ppms worth of those metals.

Never had zinc issues unless my soil pH was off.

You got to watch it with copper as a tiny bit too much and it becomes toxic. To humans as well. Not likely going to happen soaking a penny in water for a little. Add a little strong acid to the water tho.

I'm not even sure if giving them all that stuff helps much but the plants seem to do well with no weird things happening so it doesn't seem to hurt.

I've used zinc myself for a lot of years. Started having prostate issues about 10 years ago and once I made sure to take my zinc every day it did really help. Other stuff too for that but what seems to be working the best is Rick Simpson Oil, RSO. It seems to have shrunk my prostate according to the last MRI scan I had and my urologist was freaking out. I started taking it about 4 months before my last scan a couple months ago and it shrunk from 75cc to 55 and my PSA test dropped almost 2 full points so the mild cancer scare is over for now. 3 years with that dark cloud hovering overhead wasn't fun. Wasn't losing sleep over it but it kind of adds to a guys worries.

I always figured zinc was underrated so started using it and dome of the other stuff years back on the plants. Even when doing DWC I'd mix the powdered pills into the nutes and as they are acidic it should help make it available to the plants.

That stuff is actually TM-7 from Bioag, just rebranded for BAS. So if you guys can't find one, maybe you can find the other? I use TM-7 with Maxibloom, since it lacks most micros, but I skip it with Megacrop, because they are already in there. I also use it with Coots mix and my outdoor beds twice per growing season. If you go to the Bioag page, find the link where you can order a "sample pack." They charge $10 for shipping but you get an 8 oz bottle of Ful Power, plus a small package each of their Mycorrhizae, the TM-7, humic acid, and one other thing I forgot. It comes with enough TM-7 for a couple of small grows, so it is WELL worth getting-everything Bioag makes is quality.
Not true.

From my understanding, that statement is not accurate. They are not the same thing - the Big 6 has intentionally omitted the iron that TM-7 includes. Sort of a big difference for the OP since they're trying to avoid the iron inputs. It is correct that BAS had the folks at Bioag make it for them based on TM-7 otherwise.
You got to watch it with copper as a tiny bit too much and it becomes toxic. To humans as well. Not likely going to happen soaking a penny in water for a little. Add a little strong acid to the water tho.

I'm not even sure if giving them all that stuff helps much but the plants seem to do well with no weird things happening so it doesn't seem to hurt.

I've used zinc myself for a lot of years. Started having prostate issues about 10 years ago and once I made sure to take my zinc every day it did really help. Other stuff too for that but what seems to be working the best is Rick Simpson Oil, RSO. It seems to have shrunk my prostate according to the last MRI scan I had and my urologist was freaking out. I started taking it about 4 months before my last scan a couple months ago and it shrunk from 75cc to 55 and my PSA test dropped almost 2 full points so the mild cancer scare is over for now. 3 years with that dark cloud hovering overhead wasn't fun. Wasn't losing sleep over it but it kind of adds to a guys worries.

I always figured zinc was underrated so started using it and dome of the other stuff years back on the plants. Even when doing DWC I'd mix the powdered pills into the nutes and as they are acidic it should help make it available to the plants.


From what I can remember it was about 5ppms of copper needed.

Here is a little something I found;

Copper is an essential element for plant growth. Soils naturally contain copper in some form or other, ranging anywhere from 2 to 100 parts per million (ppm) and averaging at about 30 ppm. Most plants contain about 8 to 20 ppm. Without adequate copper, plants will fail to grow properly. Therefore, maintaining fair amounts of copper for the garden is important.

Read more at Gardening Know How: Copper And Soil – How Copper Affects Plants