Using moab an over drive from advanced nutrients

Hi all hope everyone is doing well.. I have been doing some research and found that if I added moab during my final 3 weeks if that would hurt the plant in anyway since I have used overdrive already from the middle of week 6 through all of week 7 am going for 10 weeks week 10 being the final week.. tommorow is the last day of week 7 what do you guys think of adding moab for all of week 8 then starting the flush at week 10. I am also growing indoors in soil.


Well-Known Member
Why would you use the mother of all bombs on your plants?? Sounds explosive! And dangerous!!

You also used the F word!!! (Flush)

This thread is already doomed.

You got some pics tho?


Well-Known Member
Flushing is a fool’s errand and proven. KISS. Just feed to the point you give plain water once or twice if you must.


Well-Known Member
Fertilizer 10299999
Potassium Nitrate (N)
potassium Phosphate (P)
Potassium Sulfate (K)
Monopotassium Phosphate (MPK)

MPK will roast your plants if you're not careful with dosing. Don't underestimate that chemical. :D