Using Molasses While Flushing????


Well-Known Member
hEY GUYS HAS ANY ONE HEARD IF YOU USE MOLLASESS THROUGH YOUR WHOLE FLUSH, IM TALKING ABOUT JUST STRAUGHT MOLLASES AND WATER NO THER NUTES. it seems this would work to me, has any one heard or tried it?? just thought i would start this thread for everyone to know....:joint::peace:


Well-Known Member
I recently removed all the medium from one plant (potting mix, perlite etc.)
and put it in a 1 litre container filled with water and mollasses with an airstone and left it on the window sill for sunlite for 3 days (It was a Lowryder 2 so not a big plant, 10" or so)
I don't know if it had any effect on potency as it was my first Lowryder 2 and not quite ready really.
But everyone comments on the taste and how smooth the smoke is.


Well-Known Member
well i have heard that you can put one teaspoon of molasses in your flowering plants every time you add nutes so (every day for some people) but you need to flush about 1 every 10 days though
and it does make your buds more potent and increases the THC yeild


Active Member
yeah, ima couple a days away from my final 2 weeks of flowering on my NLx5 and i would like to know too if you could flush with water and molasses or just plain water, i've also been using SWEET by Bonticare additive , doesn't that have the same stuff in it as molasses? thanks for any answers :bigjoint::leaf:


Well-Known Member
hey i am using mollasses in my water and nutes. i am flushing my plant now with just water and molasses. im a first time grower so dont really know if it is doing any thing to my plant but mollasses has alot of carbohydrates in it and this will help the plant keep on it and produce nice big buds. i'm also told it makes buds darker, tast sweeter and stickyer.


Active Member
I know this is an old thread but I was wondering if anyone found out the answers about molasses, like brotha I am already using a sweetener and was wondering if i should use it during flush to give it that extra love....


Well-Known Member
I was wondering if one can start using molasses during vegetation? I started using half a teaspoon per gallon when i water and so far no problems.

Is this wrong?


Active Member
I was wondering if one can start using molasses during vegetation? I started using half a teaspoon per gallon when i water and so far no problems.

Is this wrong?

no i think thats fine. not sure but should only up the sugar conteint.


Well-Known Member
Not the same, in my opinion,though it does contain some molasses. A bottle of molasses is only a few bucks. Might as well go with the real deal.


Active Member
Hate to beat a dead horse cr8z13 but is FloraNectar the same thing? I have been using it since flower and was considering using it during flush... I am 3 1/2 weeks away from my harvest and want to do it right...... How much would you use with just water? -OR what do you think about those flushing agents?
Thanks bro....


Well-Known Member
Using molasses while your flushing :shock:

Do you always take one step forward and 2 steps back.

Molasses and Flushing are both used in very inappropriate ways on this forum. But you have reached a new level by mixing the two at the same time.

Bravo !


Active Member
Hey Xare instead of bashing people why dont you put some useful information so maybe some people can learn and discuss..


Well-Known Member
Hate to beat a dead horse cr8z13 but is FloraNectar the same thing? I have been using it since flower and was considering using it during flush... I am 3 1/2 weeks away from my harvest and want to do it right...... How much would you use with just water? -OR what do you think about those flushing agents?
Thanks bro....
No experience with that stuff, sorry, but I have used Clearex(another flushing agent). I used it twice, actually. Once to flush after nute burn, and then again as a final flush. You only need to use it a few days(for hydro). Pretty good stuff, if you ask me.


Well-Known Member
Well first of all Flushing is for a Chemical Grow in soil that has nutrient salts built up in the soil. Hydro guys do not Flush because they monitor their PPM with a tester. Therefore they do not have excessive nutes that need to be flushed away.

For an organic grow you do not flush, because you can not flush the amendments out of the pot. They are not water soluable like Chemical nutes. Only a bit of the organics are converted into NPK at a time, that is why its very hard to burn using organics.

And Molasses is for Organic growers, you guys who are using molasses on a chemical op are just wasting money. The sugars are going to waste and the only benefit you are getting is a few trace elements.

Using a technique from organic growing is not going to help your chemical op. You are not understanding the "Why" behind why it works for organics.

Its all about the Microherd. The sugars are not used by the plants at all, instead its used by a thriving microherd to break down the organics into a form that the plants can uptake.

Chemicial grows have no microherd. Therefore cannot benefit from sugars in the soil.

What you are doing when you flush a chemical soil op with mollassas water is your flushing away nute build up ( which should not be there in the first place ) with an expensive nutrient water. Nutrient salts build up over time when you over fertilize.

The molassas does have some water soluable nutrients in it. So you are trying to flush out nutes with nute water... The sugar does nothing for you.


Active Member
Xare, thanks for the info.
I am growing hydro my first time and am trying to learn from everyone. I do not have a ppm tester and have recently been wondering what the ppm is..... Is there a chart that shows the ppm that you should have at each stage?