using my own shit and pee as fertilizers and defoliation tecknikes will that give me a pound??

Ummm if you want to really get that girl thumping you need to get that shit into a foiler spray bottle, put your shit (4 ounces, no corn) in a pot on your stove, add one quart of RO water, add 1 ounce of worm castings and tablespoon of molasses. Put a air stone in there to get that stuff bubbling and simmer at a really low heat setting for 12 hours. Strain out the mixture and pour it into a spray bottle and your done, heavily spray all plants with lights on so that stuff gets a chance to work. Make a new batch every three days or store for up to s week in your fridge uncovered so it can breath ...... That should bulk them puppies up. Continue peeing in the pots though as that helps a lot too. Hope this helps!!!!