Using Neem Oil and Azamax


I was given a formula to fight mites and fear I might be applying it wrong. About 3 days after application the plants under the 1000 watt are drooping and leaves with burn spots. the 400 watt and florescent plants are not reacting this way. I'm assuming its is too much shine from the leaf shine. i sprayed right before lights out. I just read that I'm supposed to wipe the leaves off after applying, is that the step that prevents this? I see little dryed pools of the spray on the leaves, should I wipe them now or is it too late? What's the best path to recovery.


Well-Known Member
5ml neem, 1tepid water, couple of drops non perfumed dish liquid to emulsify....shake well...........use a fine spray...pots, soil, under and over leaves, stems and growing area...shake regular as you spray to keep at lights off or you may burn.suffocate your 3 times at 4-5 days space......fucking shit hot stuff


Thanks for the info. I was also wondering if there is anything i can do to help the plants under the 1000 w recover or should i just let it play out?


Well-Known Member
just keep the light backed off a bit.......should bounce back ok though..tough buggers.......


Well-Known Member
Mites work their way up the plant starting at the bottom, so make sure to get under the lowest leaves. I had an infestation on a plant that I fought all the way to the end, thought I won but here or there I'd see a few mites. Once I chopped I could see under some of the small leaves closer to the soil that they were probably coming from there.

Miserable little bastards. I have a big ass can of Doktor Doom pyrethrin spray now, in case they dare to show up again. Good luck man!