Using Plagron PK 13/14 with Lucas Formula(8/16 Flora)

Raul Brigante

Active Member
Hey there,

I've just got some Plagron PK 13/14 to use with Lucas Formula GHE Flora base nutrients in 100% perlite. The problem I have is that the cheap-ass EC meter I have is giving me insane readings (in uS/cm) for my base nutrient mix, ie: 2800/3600uS. Since I'm on the end of the third week of flowering, I'd like to add PK13/14 to my feeding schedule as of today. It could be of great help if someone here knows an approximate mixing ratio I could use while a new EC tester is being ordered.

Plagron has a 1:500 ratio and claims the base nuts should be added to the mix according to the desired ppm. I currently use 1Gal(4000ml) jugs and do my 8-16 Lucas formula directly in these adjusting the Ph to +- 5.8 and feeding every other day in Hempy buckets. I haven't really used the EC meter so far.

I'm making a Gal of PK 13/14 at 1:500 right now. Is there a way to feed the additives separately or even alternating Base nutrients one day and Adds the next one?

Any help to get me started with the blooming would be much appreciated.




Well-Known Member
I'm not sure about that Plagron PK you got there. Question though. Why buy something extra for the PK boost? You already have what you need with the micro and bloom! Just change the ratios. Don't pk boost that early either. Shit, you'll have a bunch of heads telling you not to do it period, on here. I say try it on half ur plants, and see if it worked for you.
Here's how i used to do it, when i was using the floraseries for years: About three weeks from being done, I would go 1 part micro and 3 part bloom or roughly 6/18. The last week i would go 1 part micro and 4 part bloom or roughly 4.8/19.2.
I go by the 1:3 and the 1:4, and adjust ppm to my liking though.

Raul Brigante

Active Member
Hey Aeroknow,

I wanted to add a little boost without going for the hundred dollar salts. I just got the 250ml as a try out sample since my local stores don't carry all the re-branded "Cool" stuffs that used to cost 50% less before being marketed to ""growers""... As a rule of thumb, there's nothing wrong with a PK boost entering the 4th week of flowering. Since Plagron state that its compatible with most base nutrients, I assume it includes GH Flora, and since the Lucas formula has a lower ppm than the three parts Flora (correct me if I'm wrong), so how could it burn the plants?

I'll tell you what I'm up to so maybe you'll see where I'm trying to go. I basically threw a couple of cuttings on 12/12 after roughly a week veg, as the strain is a stretchy one I was told to veg for about a week and lst/Scrog like a maniac. But these little things didn't stretch at all and are standing 30cm tall on their third week of flowering. I'm wondering if I should have used the 3-part Flora to boost stretching instead of going with the Lucas Formula. Don't really matter now, I just don't want to waste cash in power-bills to end up with 4 olives... ;)


Well-Known Member
I never liked lucas formula in veg(5/10), and I never liked using lucas during the first couple weeks of flower. Next time, i recomend using the grow part also of the 3-part for Veg(3-2-1)and first couple weeks of flower(1-1-1). ppm adjusted of course. Can't go wrong with the old school formula.
The problem with lowering the nitrogen, and bumping up the P and the K(which is what pK boosting does)too early in flowering, is risking premature yellowing of leaves later in flowering. Not ideal. Pk boosting this early might just get you them olives you don't want :-D I would def consider not using the pk, continue using just the lucas formula, and let the plants do what they're gonna do.

Raul Brigante

Active Member
Ok I'm gonna do just that. Thanks for your tips, next time I'll let them develop a bit more before throwing them in 12/12 and use Lucas for the full bloom diet.
