So I got my rabbit poo, four bags of it. But it is mixed in with the bedding (straw) and only about 25% of the bag is actual capsuley nutrient goodness. I know not to mix straw in the soil itself, use it as a mulch and let it break down or it messes with the ratio of carbon/N, but...I'm stuck outside picking it up with a rake upside down and shaking it and tossing the straw.
How. Fucking. Tedious.
Halfway through a bag and I GOTTA figure out a better way to do this.
Anyone have some recommendations? I can pick it out by hand but how much more efficient is that.
hmm, can't see I agree with you, this thread answered his questions, as well as providing a chart too.This is the wrong place to look for info like you need. Most people on here don't even have pubic hair so don't expect too much.
Dude, I don't get any useful info from most of these forums and the level of discussion is elementary, at best. Trolling is the only positive experience I have here. You seem very satisfied with your accomplishments and jolly for you but I will refrain from adding any seemingly useful comments until the experience of the posters is much, much higher.hmm, can't see I agree with you, this thread answered his questions, as well as providing a chart too.
What more exactly would you add to the discussion?
I mean, from where I sit, the only un-helpful post in this thread was yours.
----edit--- after reading some of your other posts I see that's about what to expect...
ok, I hope we can meet your expectations, as this forum isn't complete without you.Dude, I don't get any useful info from most of these forums and the level of discussion is elementary, at best. Trolling is the only positive experience I have here. You seem very satisfied with your accomplishments and jolly for you but I will refrain from adding any seemingly useful comments until the experience of the posters is much, much higher.
Dude, I don't get any useful info from most of these forums and the level of discussion is elementary, at best. Trolling is the only positive experience I have here. You seem very satisfied with your accomplishments and jolly for you but I will refrain from adding any seemingly useful comments until the experience of the posters is much, much higher.
I just found the irony so insanely amusing I left it alone, but to complain about the quality of posts, when all he adds is "about 2 lbs"Huh. Your weed must be killer.
I'm always open to learning, so don't be afraid to drop some knowledge and some pics of your excellent weed...
You could at least get the important part right, it's 'about a pound'I just found the irony so insanely amusing I left it alone, but to complain about the quality of posts, when all he adds is "about 2 lbs"
I mean.... c'mon...
that's like saying "other people don't vote, so I won't either"
"trolling is the only positive experience I have here"
wow.... the quality of his life must be brutal...
You could at least get the important part right, it's 'about a pound'
I should have expected such accounting skills from the players on this thread.About 2 pounds IS about a pound.
Haven't you been paying any attention?
I should have expected such accounting skills from the players on this thread.
No, right now I'm fucking with arrogant, idiotic punks and I am very far from bored. Thanks for asking.Do you have anything to add beyond smart ass comments? If not, what's the point? You can't be this bored with your life
No, right now I'm fucking with arrogant, idiotic punks and I am very far from bored. Thanks for asking.
God, you are fantastic. What a generous offer, so yes I would like to hook up with you to get some bud.So your weed sucks then? It's the only conclusion I'm left with to explain why you're acting like such a toolbox.
I can hook you up with some properly grown bud if you're ever close by. It'll help get your mind right.
Standing offer...
growing weed free ..manI have been growing comfrey for almost a yr, and it's the coolest shit ever... topdress it with some ewc and some volcanic rock for aeration and the comfrey melts in, it melts! the weirdest "compost" process, after reading more I guess the comfrey was used for letter adhesives for yrs and yrs.. the leaves break down suer fast, and the carbon to nitrogen ratio is less than pure compost.
Easy as hell to get cuts from. I rooted two in water alone, not even bubbling. like a rose in a vase, only it sprouted roots.
I read on another forum of a great way to get more comfrey plants by cutting holes in the bottom of the container that the comfrey is in, and allowing the roots to grow into the ground or another container, and then after a couple weeks, just cut them and the roots will grow on their own.
Rabbit manure is the BEST manure out there, and after composting it the phosphorus levels actually increase!
A fpe of dandelions and comfrey is a great fertilizer to use.
From what I understand, in dandelion, comfrey, and stinging nettles will cover almost everything you need, with the exception of silica, which horsetail has in it, but honestly i'm not sure how or IF the silica from it is bioavailable or not...
I am in the process of making leaf-mold, in which I will have a solitary plant that I will feed only "plants" gonna see if there is any discernible difference.
For the record I find the concept of veganics sorta annoying, this isn't that, I will NEVER go without my castings.
rabbit manure and fpes will grow you so nice herb man.
Comfrey seed is easily found and dandelion grows everywhere but I have a question about stinging it okay to grow around kids/pets?Wikipedia says stingers can hurt and irritate skin of stung by nettle. Also when making fpe do you simply steep the plant matter in water or does it need further processing to give it to your plants?From what I understand, in dandelion, comfrey, and stinging nettles will cover almost everything you need, with the exception of silica, .
ahhh vostok... you confuse me.growing weed free
I can only tell you about the comfrey and dandelion, the comfrey will melt even without water, kinda cool actually.Comfrey seed is easily found and dandelion grows everywhere but I have a question about stinging it okay to grow around kids/pets?Wikipedia says stingers can hurt and irritate skin of stung by nettle. Also when making fpe do you simply steep the plant matter in water or does it need further processing to give it to your plants?