Using RI card in other states


Does anyone know if any other legal states accept the RI card?
As in, being able to walk into a dispensary, show the RI card and have no problems?
Each state has different reciprocity laws. RI accepts all, Cali accepts none, etc. Cali card works here, ours doesn't work there. What state are u traveling to?
Will be going to Denver in a month...there are so many dispensaries there...wondered if they would take our card.
Also will be near Delaware in January...wondered about that too.
Does this mean we can drive up to Maine to pick up clones? I might have to make a quick drive then.

I think... think, I read something in RIGL (or something else) about carrying across state boundries not being kosher. Maybe at the border of every state just get out and have your passenger give them a quick toss over to you. :)

Edit: That website also says about Maine...

Accepts other states' registry ID cards?
6: "Law enforcement will accept appropriate authorization from a participating state, but that patient cannot purchase marijuana in Maine without registering here. That requires a Maine physician and a Maine driver license or other picture ID issued by the state of Maine. The letter from a physician in another state is only good for 30 days." (Aug. 19, 2010 email from Maine's Division of Licensing and Regulatory Services)
I just looked it up. Only 5 dispensaries are open at the moment in Maine and most will most likely not accept out of state cards. I will call them tomorrow and let you guys know. If they do and they have clones, I'm making a quick drive there.
You hgave to cross through Mass to get to Maine,lol.

Why would you drive to Maine to buy clones with all these free ones right here in RI?? How many are you looking for?
Not like you'll have to deal with police in Maine. Were I went for a weekend saw 1 police officer the whole time.
Ok, so about the only thing actually in writing I've found is from Michigan.
This is directly from their state gov website:
Question: I am a valid medical marihuana patient under another state's law. Am I protected?
Answer: Yes, under Section 4(j) of the MMMA, a registry identification card or its equivalent issued by another state government to permit the medical use of marihuana by a qualifying patient or to permit a person to assist with a qualify patient's medical use of marihuana has the same force and effect as a registry identification card issued by the Department.

Of course, since there are no dispensaries there, it doesn't do any good.
Delaware, like Jersey, hasn't issued a single card yet and does not have Dispensary 1.
That's why I'm moving to your state next year :)
Sounds like you will have some dispensaries pretty soon from my research.

I wonder if they'll be looking for any kind flowers or full melt bubble for the custies.

I had a card in Hawaii back in '04-'05 so I'll be able to do pretty well for myself, just need to find a decent house to rent.

Waiting to get out of the Army right now on a Medical Board, it takes forever; should be in RI in about a year's time but already planning away.

Looking at the Narragansett / Point Judith area.

Peace and hope to meet some cool Peeps when I get there.
Will be going to Denver in a month...there are so many dispensaries there...wondered if they would take our card.
Also will be near Delaware in January...wondered about that too.

sorry to tell you this but colorado does not accept out of state cards.
Michigan, Montana, both have reciprocity with RI.
I've used my RI card in MI several times. Best place i know is in Ann Arbor....Canniseur Collective (however you spell cannaseur)