Using solar panels for energy? ?


Well-Known Member
I dont hear much about growers using solar panels for there grow op I wonder why I know its expensive but someone told me you can build your own and get the supplies from home depot for not much. What are your thoughts
- - - - but someone told me you can build your own and get the supplies from home depot for not much. What are your thoughts

Surely, you don't believe everything you hear!

My Pappy (rest his soul) once told me "Don't believe anything you hear - and only half of what you see!".

Solar panels are still very expensive, even if you assemble your own "display" you are still using store bought components which are friggin' expensive! Even if Home Depot did sell the parts - it would still be expensive!

Solar "Panels" won't be economical for the masses untill they perfect that "Photo-Voltaic Paint" they've been working on. Saw it on the Science Channel, it's the shit!
ive seen grow sheds that they sell as a complete package, its a shed purpesly built to grow it has solar panals on top, and those solar panelsintake enough energy even during winter to run ur light, run an intake an outake fans, a a/c unit for in the summer, and a heater for the winter, also runs your inline fans if using it, looked really cool and wish i could get one cuz in the long run its cheaper, and its portable, so u always have a grow room, and it looks just like a regular shed
doubt u could build your own but using solar panels for your electric usage is whats up.. its what im investing in soon
Surely, you don't believe everything you hear!

My Pappy (rest his soul) once told me "Don't believe anything you hear - and only half of what you see!".

Solar panels are still very expensive, even if you assemble your own "display" you are still using store bought components which are friggin' expensive! Even if Home Depot did sell the parts - it would still be expensive!

Solar "Panels" won't be economical for the masses untill they perfect that "Photo-Voltaic Paint" they've been working on. Saw it on the Science Channel, it's the shit!

You didn't have to to yell at the guy LOL:fire:
I joined that some time back. For the most part scam. So far I've seen nothing there that you can't find on the net for free. To go off grid it would cost about 20k for my house. you need a shit load of stuff to make solar power work. 24/7
ive seen grow sheds that they sell as a complete package, its a shed purpesly built to grow it has solar panals on top, and those solar panelsintake enough energy even during winter to run ur light, run an intake an outake fans, a a/c unit for in the summer, and a heater for the winter, also runs your inline fans if using it, looked really cool and wish i could get one cuz in the long run its cheaper, and its portable, so u always have a grow room, and it looks just like a regular shed
Do they got a pics or a website I can check out that sound like a great idea:clap:
You didn't have to to yell at the guy LOL:fire:

I joined that some time back. For the most part scam. So far I've seen nothing there that you can't find on the net for free. To go off grid it would cost about 20k for my house. you need a shit load of stuff to make solar power work. 24/7[/QUOTe
What makes it a scam? I mean it does seem a lil cheesy the website but if they can tell you how to just make it I dont understand how it would be a scam can you say a lil more about the so called scam so I can stop day dreaming of having all types of solar panels and op' s, making the world go green having solar companys, employees, etc etc Thanks
it was a poster type add at the hydro shop here in my city,the owner of the shop is the one who makes them and sells them i will try to look one up on the internet and also when i go back to that shop i will ask to take a pic, but i hardly go their any more cuz its on the other side of town and i have found a new grow shop just down the street and i dont drive so i have to go with the closer one, but i will try to get over their
I looked into this before, and you can put together a 1000 watt solar array for about $3000(maybe less, I didn't search around too much for the best prices). It takes a little skill and 'know how' but it wasn't that complex, after i read through a detailed guide to building the system. I was thinking about spending $3000 every 6 months or so, maybe every year, but after you had a few of these, i think it would be worth the investment. Just imagine being able to run as much power as you wanted, with no electric bill ever again. :shock: To me, that 'peace of mind' would be well worth the investment, even if it took awhile to pay for itself. I'm going to look into it again, in the future. :cool:
it was a poster type add at the hydro shop here in my city,the owner of the shop is the one who makes them and sells them i will try to look one up on the internet and also when i go back to that shop i will ask to take a pic, but i hardly go their any more cuz its on the other side of town and i have found a new grow shop just down the street and i dont drive so i have to go with the closer one, but i will try to get over their
Cool thanks bro
I looked into this before, and you can put together a 1000 watt solar array for about $3000(maybe less, I didn't search around too much for the best prices). It takes a little skill and 'know how' but it wasn't that complex, after i read through a detailed guide to building the system. I was thinking about spending $3000 every 6 months or so, maybe every year, but after you had a few of these, i think it would be worth the investment. Just imagine being able to run as much power as you wanted, with no electric bill ever again. :shock: To me, that 'peace of mind' would be well worth the investment, even if it took awhile to pay for itself. I'm going to look into it again, in the future. :cool:
Yeah that sounds like a plan just wish it wasent so expensive to save energy