Maybe you need to read up on soil health and bacteria and the micro-organisms that live in it before you say chemicals are the same as organic. if you have a chemical garden set up for years and you take it down the soil is destroyed, when you remove a organic garden the soil is more alive than it ever was. maybe your knowledge of organic chemistry is laughing because it's half-retarded.Change what? That a chemical made by nature is better than the same chemical made by man? How? It's THE EXACT SAME THING. Nature's carbon dioxide is the exact same as human-extracted and synthesized carbon dioxide. Same bonds, same energy, same neutrons, protons, electrons, same number of bonds. EVERYTHING is natural, even if it is in a refined form. Please. Go to college, take a few courses, and you'll understand THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE. This 'myth' about organic being better is purely that. Without the advances in fertilizers synthesized from chemicals, this planet wouldn't even have the current total life population it has right now. Purely organic would starve several billion people. Yea, you tell me organics is better. For a very short time, maybe, for a very, VERY limited population. In the long run, it is unsustainable and not practical.
Your gonna have a lot of baby plants calling you daddyi just came on my plants is that going to help them?![]()
Have Fun with that .I can't believe all the nay sayers in this thread plant's are filters for our waste and we are the same for them why is this so hard to understand!
We shit and piss fert big deal plants breath our wasted breath and give back what we need oxy we live together for a reason!
Our waste does not contain everything they need that is why we go to animals for extra chemicals but one type of plant could not feed you either!
Have you guy's never seen how nasa tests a grow room that is life supporting use our waste as food for plants we eat plants make more fert for them they drink our piss filter it transpire pure water vapour in to the air that can be collected and drank, also they support us with oxygen and we feed them carbon dioxide!!!
What do people think fert is made of anyway it doesn't matter where it came from just what is in it!!
Some people can be so close minded these are the dumb ass people that never learn anything in life grow up and do a little research people!
Sorry to sound so harsh but a little education goes along way lol
Live Love Learn!!!