I had this issue on a.shipment within the US. It was posted online as DELIVERED when it obviously wasn't. My suggestions and resolution:
1st: Contact the seedbank. Calmly.
Hi I havent received it yet, what should I do next? Now the bank has been told and you covered that.
They said its common, wait a few days, and contact your local USPS to see.
2nd: contact post office. Post office person, very nice...oh yeah, that is happening a lot. Dont be offended by the delivered status, when it says that it often comes in a few days.
Took 5 more days, but it showed.
My point is, keep the seedbank in the loop, and do what they suggest. Remain calm and if you need seeds ASAP vs a week to a month ask here in the forums where a reliable and fast delivery can come from.
Dont worry that theres a Post office sting underway. They dont have the staff to sort or even deliver the mail daily. I have service roughly 4 days a week at best.
Its not even illegal to send or receive seeds. Its just an annoyingly gray area due to differences in federal state and local laws and how much or little they are enforced.