Maximizing Cannabis Yields for Home Growers with Dr Bruce Bugbee
This is a basic guideline. Don't think you have to read into his nutrient recommendations as being the absolute gospel. The average newcomer, could gain a lot of saved time, sweat, and tears by just following that guide in the attached video.
But if you want to advance, and apply adequate and economic level of the correct nutrients you are going to have to approach from a commercial farmers point of view.
A commercial farmer is going to run trails to learn what his chosen cultivars and culture method do. And then tweak and tailor nutrient levels and application rates dependant on plant development stage until he finds a happy place.
If you are doing small freshly rooted clones straight to 12/12, I think there is no time for this. Better to stick with a general purpose formulation.
I can buy a few broiler chicks and raise them with kitchen scraps, and bit of ground/crushed maize. They will grow into big tasty birds.
Or I can fill a shed with thousands of chicks and buy in a protein rich concentrate. And use various ratios of concentrate to ground maize, depending on age and stage of growth. They will grow into big tasty birds.
I think that you have to tailor your NPK regimen according to how they are performing. Just remember there are guys growing with tomato fertiliser costing pennies from the dollar store. And in a blind test the average person would not know the difference when sampling the cured product.
Then there are the guys with multiple bottles of nutrients, additives and "boosters". They end up with identical product to the guy using tomato fertiliser or Jacks. But feel better because they spent more money and it must be right.
Or you can grow organic. And for sure organic chicken tastes better. But weed, we just burn it anyway.
Where I am, the average consumer wouldn't know. They used to the same generic rubbish cultivar thats been passed around since early 2000's, and wouldn't be able to appreciate superiour tasting bud. Granted, it is powerful. But so souless. The only way some people would recognise alternative good product is if it dropped its panties and said, "Hello".