Utopia Haze grow 1st week of flowering

Utopia Haze

Active Member
Started this grow from seed 5 weeks ago today. When I bought these seeds from Amsterdam the guy at the counter said that these were that new shit but I had no idea that there was no information on growing this strain, I am just now starting to notice websites selling them but still no description on how long to flower or how tall it gets... ya know the important info.

I know haze itself has an unusually long flowering period but I guess I am just guna let this young lady go until she's rdy:)

Growing in a 3'X4' tall cage that is lined with foil for obvious reasons and then covered with blankets to make sure I get some humidity as well as keeping the heat in.
As you can see the fan leaves are about the size of a grown mans hand and man am I excited! Had her vegg'n for 4 weeks....

The best and worst part about this grow is that I am using CFL"S :), could use an HPS but I only have one plant and think it is a bit overkill, Either way this is working out great so far and as you can see she's a beaut.

Post more every week closer to roast'n:) Barney's has some good quality seeds thats for sure:weed:


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- I have nothin' but love for Barney's seeds, and I find they are potent AND easy to grow. I just grew out the G-13 Haze over the summer and was very happy with it. However, it has come to my attention that the G-13 Haze from Barney's contains no Haze at all, and I have not been able to find any info contradicting this. I've been told this by others more knowledgeable than me, and I've ever read it's description as being a "Hawaiian Sativa x G-13," and I am quoting something that was put out by Barney's, not just some internet seed bank that makes up their own descriptions. Correct me if I am wrong, but isn't Haze a combination of SE Asian (Thai, Laos?) and South American (Mexican?) genetics? I didn't think there was any Hawaiian in it, but the "Haze" part of Barney's G-13 Haze doesn't come from the G-13 side. I will emphasize that the plant was great, and it was also pretty homogenous and very easy to grow, especially for something that has a good chunk of Sativa in it.

- I know you aren't growing the G-13 Haze, but rather the new Utopia Haze which I am afraid I know even less about than you do. However, I wanted to warn you that there is a possibility that there may not be any ACTUAL Haze in it, because this seems to be the case with their G-13 Haze. The Utopia Haze could easily have been bred using the same Hawaiian Sativa that constitutes the "Haze" in last years winner. Of course, companies are so tight-lipped that it is difficult to know the truth until you can recognize genetics from the smell, looks, taste, and high... something I'm still working on, lol.

- This doesn't necessarily mean anything bad, because I believe that the Hawaiian plant that they used for the G-13 Haze must have been an excellent Sativa. It would be worthwhile for any breeding project, and any crosses to it should probably produce potent offspring. I believe that the Hawaiian Sativa is a shorter flowering Sativa than Original Haze, and if the Hawaiian plant was the one used, then you will probably have a shorter flower than if Barney actually did use a real Haze for this one.

- I have only seen a picture of the Utopia Haze, I haven't read anything about it so it is quite possible that there is real Haze in this, but since I'm pretty sure it was a case of bait-and-switch (albeit a switch to another great strain), I fear that the case may be the same here. Even if it IS the case, however, and they did use the Hawaiian plant instead of a real Haze, it should still turn out excellent. I am not trying to be a downer, just stating what I think to be true, and what the implications of said assumptions could mean. Even with the purposeful name mix-up on the G-13 Haze, I still may grow it again because, and I even found two special mothers out of 7 females that were better than the rest and good enough to use them for breeding some F1 crosses. Even though they may not always name their products that honestly, Barney's products are still top-notch. I just wanted to give ya the skinny on what I know so far about Barney's "Haze." Good luck and happy growing, I can say I will be interested to see how it turns out. If it ends up being some potent shit, I might get some myself. Thanks for copping some of these and getting a grow going so fast, gives us all a chance to see what's up with this before most of us can even get it! Bravo!
I just did a bit more research, and I may be able to help better than in my previous post... but I'm not 100% sure if this is true, because you never know in this business. It sounds like it might be though. I read that Barney's Utopia Hase is simply a slightly reworked version of Reeferman's Manga Haze. This strain is comprised mostly of Neville's Haze and a Brazilian strain called Manga Rosa, with some Afghani genetics thrown in to help keep it maneageable. This is good news in some ways, because this way we know it probably DOES use real Haze, if what I read was correct (its quite possible it isn't, you know how internet seed sales go, lol). The Manga Haze has a flower period of about 70 days, so if Utopia Haze is a reworked version of that, or even an exact copy, then you won't have to deal with a super long flower period. If your plant flowers in 70 days, then it's likely thanks to Reeferman, and not the guys from Barney's. Now that Reef is retiring, I imagine that alot of his strains are going to get stolen/renamed/repackaged/reworked.

- Also, I did yet MORE research on the G-13 Haze, and it turns out it does in fact have SOME Haze in it, but it's more like a quarter Haze than half Haze. Also, I believe now that the Hawaiian Sativa used as Haze in the G-13 Haze is different from the one in Utopia Haze, especially if it is actually Reef's work and not Barney's. I guess that the Hawaiian Sativa I was talking about is a cross of two differen't Sativas, Nevilles Haze x Willie Nelson. So its possible G-13 Haze isn't named so wrong afterall, and likely that BOTH these Haze strains DO in fact have Haze in them, Neville's to be exact, although in differen't amounts and from differen't paren't plants, even if they were of the same genetic lineage.

- So until I hear or see different, I'm assuming Barney's Utopia Haze is just a different version of Reef's Manga Haze. It seems that may be the exact same strain, with Barney's version just slightly re-worked, from what I have been able to gather. Also, considering Utopia haze is Brazilian in origin, as is the Manga Haze, it is quite probable this is the case. They are both primarily Sativas and both have Brazilian genetics mixed in. The reef Manga Haze has some Afghani thrown in to bulk up the yield, keep it shorter in height and shorten the flower period. If the Utopia Haze has a similar flower period to the Manga Haze, and shows similar growth structures then I think it would be safe to say at that point (of course after at least comparing pictures if not comparing the real thing), that they are indeed from the exact same genetic stock, but re-worked to perhaps be slightly different.

This doesn't mean the strain will be bad, it will most likely be tremendously great, but I think that Reef may actually have done all the hard work of developing this strain, and now Barney's is going to take advantage of it now that Reef is retired (as I am sure many other seed banks will, also).

- If it is true, it kinda sucks... the CC is so commercialized now that only 3 or 4 companies actually have the resources to do all that is necessary to actually have a chance at winning, and if THEY are recycling genetics then I don't really see the CC as being all that relavant anymore. Sure, the strains that win are going to be good, but there could easily be better strains there from companies who don't have enough money or marketing experience and ability to actually win the cup... That part is sad.

Still, look into Manga Haze because it might tell you more about Utopia Haze if this is correct. When you flower, try and find some pictures to compare the two. Maybe that will give you an idea of if they are related or not. Until then, I guess you just have to play it by ear. It is definitely a little harder to tell strains apart when they are still in veg and all you have to go on is the fan leaves than when they are budding and you can see how the buds grow in and can see how the calyzes stack up and what-not. Anyway, sorry the first message I posted was a little uninformed, I haven't looked into any of this stuff since last spring. I hope this info helps.
Well it's got about 3-5 weeks left i think and so far she is a beautiful strain. Around 1 meter tall and as you can see...

Been giving molasses and bloom fert for about 3 weeks now and so far no problems, fanstastic genetics I am pretty sure the harvest will be plentiful :-P

Crazy pure sativa strain and have no doubts the smoke will be worth the wait and effort. Also was transplanted into a 4 gallon pot with a neutral soil, compost and other natural ferts.

Be posting more soon thanks for looking!!


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She is beautiful :weed: welcome bac man haha, how is the smell, she looks so pretty, nice job, the more pics the better ;) gonne be some kiler smoke bongsmilie
they look great looks like same haze that i am growing but mine are not that far along if you can please look at my pics and give me some pointers