UV Black Lights ?? will they do anything....anything at all ?? - STELTHY :leaf:

Ok and according to : CALIFORNIA STATE SCIENCE FAIR 2005 PROJECT SUMMARY web page added below:-


Gamma Ray seems pretty bad for plants too.. causing roots to shrivel and die etc etc... So that pretty much concludes my research for now !! ...Some how I need to find out more on the appliance of X-Ray wavelengths and the ultimate effects on Photosynthesis - STELTHY :leaf:
Ok I found this article on this site :- http://www.cannabisculture.com/articles/4576.html

It tells me that infra red is out of the Cannabis plants visual spectrum and is mainly a source of heat :( so again thats no good either !! and lastly I'll look into Gamma Ray - STELTHY :leaf:

730nm infrared can be used as "flowering trigger" when the plants go to sleeping state. Those should be used only few minutes period daily, right after other lights have turned off.

Couple sources:
http://www.led4growth.com/All Lighting Products.htm
Just stopped in to see the views of blacklights as I heard they can make a banana turn purplish. Appears from the info here that this effect does not appear to work on cannabis. That would have been cool.
Thank you all for your info and your opinions.