UV-C light, worth it to kill spores?


I`m wondering if I could put a UV-C light for a few minutes in my res daily or something to make sure it kills bacteria prevent root rot.


New Member
I'm also trying to figure this out. I live in Hawaii and botrytis is a problem. Thinking about buying a garden specific UV wand type thing like I've read about. As far as UV light for water disinfection we have a UV light as part of our house filtration. That allows us to drink our water from our rain catchment system. It works well and is pretty affordable.

T macc

Well-Known Member
I'd imagine you'd have to be blindfolded to use UVC. It's dangerous. Look into Solarcure's bulbs. It might prevent mold from setting in. The flower power bulb dips a little past UVB, giving a little UVC. I have one, but haven't used it in a few grows now.

Johnny Lawrence

Well-Known Member
After harvest, I have about a 5 day window to clean the room, hydro setup, do any mods, then drop the girls back in. The first day, I marinate the room in a bleach and water mix with a pump sprayer. It takes several hours to dry out so that I can re-enter the room. I then stick an ozone generator in there next to a small oscillating fan, close the room up and let it go for about an hour. If you use an ozone generator, make sure to let the ozone dissipate before re-entering.

I've run an ozone generator for a short time in a room full of mature plants with no damage done to the plants. And for experimentation purposes, I had an extra "teen" that I put directly in front of the ozone generator output that suffered for a couple weeks before getting better again. It lost about half of it's lower fans and was stunted for 2 or 3 weeks before recovering. It's now a 6 foot bush mid way through flowering out in my yard.