uv light

I have a qestiron:

I have my plant on the window, and i have a extra light on them. So i want to know it thay are geting enough uv light???
Becouse some of the leaves are more light green than the others.

The window is turned on the sunny side of the house.

sorry for the bad english.


Well-Known Member
With them in the window, I dont think lack of UV is a problem. Might be needing some N2 or maybe over watered?


Well-Known Member
Fo sure agree on lack of Nitrogen (are the bottom leaves lighter green?). And your english is good man! Happy growing.
no i think is not over watered, but maybe N is a problem yes i give them 3%N 22%P2O5
18%K2O 3%organic stuff from some see alge :) it is foliar and for normal watering.
But i disidet to give them outdor soon. So mother nature will grow my stuff :D
Where can i get N natural?? (i dont want to go buy 1l of this).



Well-Known Member
Google natural fertilizer, that should giv ya some ideas. Definately need to get more N2. The fert you listed has very little N2 for vegitative growth.
ok i found (N) in form of a granulat... and it is not written how much it youst say organic nitrogen. And it smells like

bullshit :twisted:....
i hope this will do it