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Mimic nature ?
Pulsing UV ?
Switch ON for 5 minutes ?
Calculate total power per day (DLI) and then average it per hour and dose the plants ?
In what way should the UV irradiation be used ?
Severe damage is very easy to be done to the plants ,when playing with such high energy photons.
There's a lot not studied ,not fully understood and some maybe remain still unknown .
Last but not least ...
The human eye ,unable to sense this kind of light ,can not respond to a possible high output power.
Eye lids won't close as a reflex to strong light ...
Meanwhile, the high energy photons will be nuking the cornea of the eye ...
( Has anybody here had a severe incident of " welding arc eyes " before ? )
For sure ,UV supplementation is quite tricky of a thing ...
Almost forgot that one ...
The one million dollar question !
So,if THC and/or other cannabinoids
serve as sunscreen for the seeds ...
Or as insect repellent or even insecticide...
How come hemp (same species )that grows nearby with a resinous indica or a potent sativa ,under the exact same sun and exposed to the same crawling and flying threats ,will never produce significant amounts of THC ?
Still, hemp thrives without it nevertheless...
Is it that the UV radiation is really the trigger for THC biosynthesis or maybe not ?