UVB lighting question with HPS.


Well-Known Member
I have been doing some reading and cam across alot of really great info on UVB in your grows. I had originally purchased a 250 Watt HPS for flowering and was re-thinking about getting a 400watter for flower and use the smaller HPS for clones for the first 2 weeks untill they are put into main flowering room... now I am re-thinking again. Advice from experienced growers about my new thought for flower room to see if you think it will work.
I can get a 3 ballast UVB fixture with the 10.0 UVB lights from a local store for a decent price. These CFL's are the 26watt ones that everyone seems to say to use for greatest results(I know the flouros are better, I just mean compared to the 4.0 and the 5.0 CFL bulbs.)

My question would be in regard to the benefit of the UVB light included in the flowering room with this second fixture 2 feet above the canopy.
Could I get away with the 250 watt HPS and the 78watts from the CFL UVB bulbs? or is that UVB spectrum just to increase trichome and THC production and adds no valuable light for growth?
Wrong spectrum for growth is what I mean.

Thank you in advance, I'm a few weeks away from flower yet, but I want to make sure I run my set up to make sure everything is as dialed in as I can as far as heat problems and light placement etc..

Oh! One more question for you guys who are using UVB.. do you find the UVB lights help with odor? I have heard conflicting tales and just wondered from your experience if you noticed anything.
Links are cool, I don't have a problem doing more reading, but experience helps too, so any input would be appreciated.

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
the uvb has low penetration ,i used it during seed production and couldn't tell any diff.,that is my personal experiance....rob


Well-Known Member
the uvb has low penetration ,i used it during seed production and couldn't tell any diff.,that is my personal experiance....rob
Thank you for the input. What sized UVB bulbs and # did you use for your room? Just curious as that was one of the main area of debate on their usefulness.

The science behind the process and the reason behind why the plant produces more trichomes with a UVB light added (for self preservation) is a valid and convincing arguement, but I have read posts just like yours where people have tried it and didn't find it made any difference.
If you wouldn't mind, giving some more details of how you used it? How many hours on a day? Etc... thanks for your time man!

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
repti glo 10.0 uvb an exo terra product that is in its own reflector hung at about 15" above the canopy , it varied between 8-10 hours ,I'll keep using it during times i am producing seed and the odd time just for drill...rob


Well-Known Member
repti glo 10.0 uvb an exo terra product that is in its own reflector hung at about 15" above the canopy , it varied between 8-10 hours ,I'll keep using it during times i am producing seed and the odd time just for drill...rob
yup, those are the one's I'm looking at. The information I read was suggesting using it the way you did as well, just maybe more lights than the one to see alot more tric's produced.. but hmm, ok thanks again for the input Rep+.