pd... sorry...2 hours more where I live... i must remember this...
No worries,Salm..
Today's Saturday ,outside is raining ,my girlfriend (yes) she's lightly snoring (!) at the couch
(too many joints,she had ,as always)..
And I've made myself a cup of a weird tea mix I've found (probably from an ex,so far beyond it;s expiring date ... )..
It smells good and fruity ,though ..
And just lit up a big fat joint full of my favourite White Russian and some Karelias tobacco ..
No ,i do not feel sad or the least guilty about my lungs ...
They do not deserve such treat -i know all about it- ,but the rest of me ,does really..
Anyway ..
Some post mid-night saturday fever's thoughts....
-The more I work with the Vero 29 arrays ,the more I fall in love with them ...
I mean ,they just need four M3 screws to be securely attached to a heatsink .
The contact force achieved is high enough .No horrible spring-action holders !
Cooling them is another issue ,that is almost jaw dropping .
Ok they have 156 dies under a 29 mm Dia. LES ,so of quite low density ,a COB array ...
Nevertheless ,the aluminium substrate is rigid and durable enough ,while it posses a high thermal conductivity.
Thus the 0.11-0.13 C/W thermal resistance from junction to case ...
Amazing COB ...A "noble monster" ...A "kind giant " ...
Haven't actually measured with a lux meter ,but to my eyes the difference in brightness ,
between a VERO 29 and a CXA3070 Z4 bin @ 2200 mA ,is quite noticeable.Maybe more than that .
The Vero 29 really seems to be outputting much more light ...And ,trust me ,it's not just me saying that ,is plenty of people
,close friends and relatives ,suggesting same,when witnessing the comparison ...
-Anyway.Change of subject.
Joint's side -effects you see...
BTW ..
"Lux meter "...
Is it just stupid me or if one has digitised the relative spectral power distribution graph of a LED or COB ,into y values /nm and have them further "analysed" in a spreadsheet then .....
Then ...
If one uses a lux meter or similar
,but not a PAR meter ...
If the units measured by the hand-held equipment are
lumens or lux (lumens/m^2 )
Then ...
If really that hand held measuring device's sensor is
CIE1924 Photopic V(λ) calibrated ..
One can transform the readings ,via the spreadsheet ,into Watts ,W/m^2o, umol/sec or umol/sec/m^2 ..
With quite good precision ..
And correct me if I'm wrong ...
PAR meters are way much more expensive( ten fold the price ? ) than Lux meters ,ain't so ?
How come ,I haven't thought that before ?
A good luxometer ...Photographers' equipment and parafernalia then ....