Recently ,i got some reports ,from couple of V series users ..
Two of them ( not knowing each other seem to follow the same " grow strategy " ...
Eco-( logical-of-nomical ) crisis ....
Their lights are the same model ..
2X Vero 29 3K 80Ra ,with a max . drive of 2.2 A .With a max
plug power of 195 Watts .
They both growing a steady pot number ...
Four pots ...
Both are using same substrate ( black/blonde peat mix + perlite )....
But one is going the organic way ( premixes various composts and organic solid ferts in the substrate )
The other one is using a mix of domestic made ferts ,mainly based on a certain one in liquid form ..
Well ..They both start the plants from 12/12 regime ...
Their lights are for 12 hours every day switched ON , all year round ...
Every ~ 4 weeks ( forgot to tell that both are growing with regular seeds ) ,thge plants show their sex
and the males are removed ,and the empty pots are replaced with ones with new seeds planted .
So they ,both end up ,harvesting one to three plants, every other month or so ( every 4 to 6 weeks ) .
The one using the liquid ferts is having the light at max ( 195 W plug power ) constantly ...
The " organic guy" ,depending on the ambient temperatures of the grow site is having the two
Veros driven between 1000 mA and 2200 mA ....
The "liquid ferts " guy is reporting average harvest per 4-6 weeks of 90 - 130 grams
The organic lad ,is also very close ,reporting average harvest per 4-6 weeks of 70 - 100+ grams .
They both seem to report ,that the quality (potency & aroma /taste /smell ) is
profoundly better ( stronger ) ,than their previously 400 W HPS grow harvests .
They used to harvest 200-380 grams average
every ~ 14 weeks ..
380/14 best case ...
~ 27,143 grams per week..
4 weeks * 7 days* 18 hours* 0.4 kW
10 weeks * 7 days * 12 hours* 0.4 kW
.......=537,6 kWh
380 grams / 537,6 kWh =
0,707 grams per kWh ...
Now they are harvesting 70 to 130 grams ,every
four to six weeks ..
130/4 weeks ( best case,as in previous case ) ...
32,5 grams per week ....
For 14 weeks they spend ,at "worst" case (for light only )
14 weeks * 7 days *12 hours* 0.195 kW
= 229,32 kWh ...
Let's see ...
14 weeks * 32,5 grams per week = 455 grams
455 grams / 229,32 kWh =
1,985 grams per kWh ....
But I want still to examine the worst case scenario with LED COB arrays ...
70 grams every 6 weeks ...
70/6 = 11,667 gpwk
14 weeks * 11,667 =163,333 grams ...
163,333 grams / 229,32 kWh =
0,713 grams per kWh
Still a bit better than the 400W HPS ...
At worst case .....