VA moves indoors.. -or- The Haunted House comes to life! hindu kush, nirvana, white


Well-Known Member
Dang plants!! One insists on outgrowing the rest, even though I have the light about as close as I dare it just keeps growing up to it. nodes are way streched.

It got real cold in the closet last night, look at ALL the yellow. :(

notice the nute burn on 2nd & 3rd photo. :(
im pretty sure its not nute burn i had the same problem(see journal)and they were only getting tap water no nutes i giv them some foxfarms bigbloom and it help to unlock the salt build up and other root problema

Virulent Amoeba

Well-Known Member
im pretty sure its not nute burn i had the same problem(see journal)and they were only getting tap water no nutes i giv them some foxfarms bigbloom and it help to unlock the salt build up and other root problema
I know it's not Nute burn I know what it is, thnk I said that too. It was the cold!

Thanks for the input though. :)

Virulent Amoeba

Well-Known Member
Just couldn't help myself, had to put some of the new beans to
Two each-

G13: WidowMaker
G13: NL * Skunk
GreenHouseSeeds: Lemon Skunk
BarneysFarm: Red Diesel
FlyingDutchman: Blueberry skunk

(24 hrs later)So far the following have cracked.

2 WidowMaker
1 Blueberry skunk
2 Lemon Skunk
2 NL * Skunk
1 Red Diesel


Virulent Amoeba

Well-Known Member
Well Crapola,

Thought my hygrometer was defunct, however it works fine once there is sensible humidity in the air. :evil::roll: So off we went to the local WallyWorld to get my babies a humidifier. 20 minutes later RH is up to 23% so all will be well.
Transplanted 2 of the older wonderseed into 10 pots/h2o & Voodoo juice @ 6.2PH.

Photo of the Lemon Skunk(first of the new seeds to break ground.

Cheaper yeast for my CO2.


Virulent Amoeba

Well-Known Member
Finally! the second G13 NL*Skunk reared it's head above soil.

So to recap 10 seeds to Germinate, 8 cracked, 8 burried raised and growing.

Failed to crack:
1 of 2 Barney's Red Deisel
1 of 2 Flying dutchman's Blueberry skunk

Virulent Amoeba

Well-Known Member
Transplant day!

On the 18th I took 2 cuttings from each of the 4 plants that are 3 weeks old or so(wonderseed).

"Rockwool Presoak" Is the BOMB!

I use "Rockwool Presoak" from Supernatural Terraponic 1/4tsp : 1 Qt water, soaked the blocks for Twenty minutes ONLY! If you don't like wasting alot of time with presoaking rockwool, this is the stuff for you!

The photo shows that this material is wonderous! usually you have to presoak for up to 24 hours, but not with this soak applied. As you can see they are in GREAT shape 3 days later!

Next photo is of the root ball after softly combing thru to loosen the roots without breaking them. Do it gently and none will get broken off.

Next two photos show the kids after transplanting. The transplanting actually started 3 days ago, but I ran out of MiracleGrow soil. Had to wait for the arrival of my Ocean Forest mix to arrive. Ratio is 3.5:1 part Perlite with a TBSP worm castings per part perlite.(I have a gallon might as well use them.)

The plant on the right in the tan container was Drooping Bigtime before transplanting due to it's pot starting to get root-bound. As you can see, three days and they are Back on the way to making me proud. Leaves are starting to reach for the light again.

The two in tan got MG while the two in green got FFOF. Be interesting to see what differences they will encounter/produce.




Well-Known Member
lol dude how many different strains you got goin? I ordered 6 different strains last week but they will have to get planted over time, you just throw them all in lol..i love it


Well-Known Member
Hi honey:
Why did you not tell me You and your buddies knew construction. dang..... to think I been hanging off the rafters. would have made a couple batches beer or wine your choice for co2 if you would have hung off MY rafters. I love what you have going on here what fun. and wow what a selection. what fun.