Vaccinated stay contagious longer than Unvaccinated

I’m curious, would you, if trying to spread life saving information go on Tucker Carlson to spread it? I don’t think I would.
FE09422C-559D-47E4-922D-7DADAC650383.jpegDoes it not occur to you that most of what you post is biased and based on half truths and can be proven false with a quick fact check? Asking for a friend.
Fact check the new RSV vaccine causing Gullian barre syndrome articles..

You guys should know by now I always throw in some form of alternative media that you guys will fact check on the side, just to make myself not seem credible, haha.. Who fact checks the fact checkers anyway. Who is "we", and where does the money come from to run those operations?
Calling bullshit on this one... nobody in our circle or family have been vaxxed. We've all have it more that once over 2 years ago. Just had my labs done and all is better than average. My HDL is 102 (the good stuff). These "studies" are manufactured to create fear. I've had it twice myself unvaxxed.... it was easier the second time... like medium allergies for a few days. It's over rated to make it the norm so they can control you over a long period of time so you take the jab and boost Big Pharma to line pockets.... fools come in great numbers. Trust the science it like "hold my beer and watch this". It's easier to control the masses than a smaller group. The fourth reich is coming up. Make your own decisions.

Labs.... HDL offsets LDL... HDL carries out the bad cholesterol.... Matter of fact, my Dr. who is 71 has only seen one other male at my age at 54 years old with an HDL over 100...Its been that way for over 8 years. IDK if its genetics, or the amount of wine and clean food I consume, but, it's working.

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Calling bullshit on this one... nobody in our circle or family have been vaxxed. We've all have it more that once over 2 years ago. Just had my labs done and all is better than average. My HDL is 102 (the good stuff). These "studies" are manufactured to create fear. I've had it twice myself unvaxxed.... it was easier the second time... like medium allergies for a few days. It's over rated to make it the norm so they can control you over a long period of time so you take the jab and boost Big Pharma to line pockets.... fools come in great numbers. Trust the science it like "hold my beer and watch this". It's easier to control the masses than a smaller group. The fourth reich is coming up. Make your own decisions.

Labs.... HDL offsets LDL... HDL carries out the bad cholesterol.... Matter of fact, my Dr. who is 71 has only seen one other male at my age at 54 years old with an HDL over 100...Its been that way for over 8 years. IDK if its genetics, or the amount of wine and clean food I consume, but, it's working.

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While we are at it what is your A1C so we can get the full picture?