vacuum and bubble bags

Mass Medicinals

Well-Known Member
Hey all,

Wondering if I could get input about converting a 5 gal bucket into a vacuum funnel for speeding up the drainage process of Ice water hash extraction.

Like with a vacuum funnel. The plan would be to suck it through. Then re-run it through all a bags (220, 160, 90, 45, 25) a couple times.

Any thoughts or suggestions?
you Could put a hole in the side and hook like a shop vac up but you would want it higher than your water level and in a place that the bag would not block the port. So with that being said and me not being sure how deep in the bags go it could be a real pia to get it right to do something like that
We used whole buds and sugar leaf. And it resulted in something of a 2% return on the undried weight.

Most of the videos show people using sugar leaf and trim on the bubble hash extraction. Should we chop the buds up before throwing them in the ice bath? Wondering about best results (whole buds, chopped buds) and then also fresh or dried.
We used whole buds and sugar leaf. And it resulted in something of a 2% return on the undried weight.

Most of the videos show people using sugar leaf and trim on the bubble hash extraction. Should we chop the buds up before throwing them in the ice bath? Wondering about best results (whole buds, chopped buds) and then also fresh or dried.

best thing i ever bought for ice hash is a 5kg portable washing machine off ebay. well worth the 70 bucks. just need a 220 zippered micron bag to put in it.
@rkymtnman, did you run whole buds, trim, fresh frozen, dry frozen? Just curious. I don't have the resources for that ATM it will be a purchase in the future for sure.

i ran dried and cured frozen buds, sugar leaves, fan leaves, etc. all but the sticks pretty much. frozen material for sure so you don't have the temp diff b/t the ice +water and the material.

if i remmeber correctly, i ran 2 wash cycles. then turn on the drain cycle and it pumps it out into your bubble bags. i think i used only 120, 75 and 25 or thereabouts. got some perfect full melt hash.