Valentines day

definitely mycelium, outside garden has it all over in big underground areas, cant tell if it hurts plants cu they are all fucked from the cold so, hey harvard medical did a study and found that mj does infact keep tumors in check, keeps em from metastisizing and stuff, they studied brain, lung, and prostate I believe, It really is incredible that more oncologists dont even bring it up, like nobodies heard of Harvars right!?
I mean Harvard, but u know its strange its schedule one bcuz no med value but the feds have stooge dr.s telling them this so everyone can stay in bizness, meaning the federal drugwar(bullshit greed) machine, these guys are criminals with badges and no sense of right and wrong only greed and adrenaline
I brought my honey a large floral arrangement, kicker is she likes me to bring it to her workplace so all the other girls can see.
Tonight I'll cook dinner for her & I think a foot massage is in order as well.
I truly love that gal.

Granny - I sincerely hope your fears are for naught.
Positive thoughts and prayers your way.
I got my dog neutered! :) But OMG have to share a cute Valentine's Day story. My son is in the third grade, and he has himself a little girlfriend (He's got game, it's hereditary...) Anyway so I told him i'd take him to pick out something special for her for Valentine's Day. So I pick him up from school and head to the store and he says "Oh, no, mom, no. I'm not getting her anything for Valentine's." So, of course, I panicked, because well...I thought i'd failed at teaching my son to romance. (Age appropriately, of course.) But then he looks at me and tells me not to worry, :) He'd asked her what she wanted him to get her for Valentine's Day, and she told him he was her Valentine's Day gift. Awwww *sniff*. I like this girl!
(We got her a necklace anyway.) Granny i'm not up-to-date on this story if it was in a thread but I hope everything is OK. Prayers for you.
I have an idiot stalker who thinks he can wear me down. This is what he gave me for a Valentine's gift:


He said we can run it off tomorrow. I told him it would take a month to run that shit off.

I ate every last bite.

I have an idiot stalker who thinks he can wear me down. This is what he gave me for a Valentine's gift:


He said we can run it off tomorrow. I told him it would take a month to run that shit off.

I ate every last bite.


You even ate the toothpaste filled ones? Blech, some of those things are nasty. Did it at least have them all listed on the underside of the lid?
Went to chiles with my girl grubbed a big dank ass rib eye. Then toked out some fire granddaddy purple (haven't had this strain in years) my girl got to stoned off the indica and she is sleeping now haha!
my girlfriend of many years had school, i had work, when she came home, there was a big bouquet of flowers and a nice little gift. when i got home, there was a cup of soup she brought home from the school cafeteria for me, and she was on her way out to go to church. she comes home and watches tv for 30 minutes and goes to bed. happy valentines day to me. i have this funny feeling we wont be together much longer.
You even ate the toothpaste filled ones? Blech, some of those things are nasty. Did it at least have them all listed on the underside of the lid?

They were gone before I could register flavors. I have a weakness for sweets. That's why I always avoid the candy aisle. It's a sickness. I'm coping. :p
my girlfriend of many years had school, i had work, when she came home, there was a big bouquet of flowers and a nice little gift. when i got home, there was a cup of soup she brought home from the school cafeteria for me, and she was on her way out to go to church. she comes home and watches tv for 30 minutes and goes to bed. happy valentines day to me. i have this funny feeling we wont be together much longer.

awww.. that's sad. You can come to my house and we can get drunk on Tequila supplemented with some Bubba Kush. We can sit at the firepit and bitch about life. I need to warn you, I will trip you if a bear starts to chase us. I'm not above saving my life at the expense of...well... you. :p
awww.. that's sad. You can come to my house and we can get drunk on Tequila supplemented with some Bubba Kush. We can sit at the firepit and bitch about life. I need to warn you, I will trip you if a bear starts to chase us. I'm not above saving my life at the expense of...well... you. :p

haha. bears ain't got shit on me. i will cut them deep.
my fiance got me the sweetest card, some candy, and a case of red bull =) got him a card and a balloon on a stick, because who wouldn't want one of those? lol then we went for a hike in the snow, grabbed some pizza hut, had a few drinks, and now watching tv and smoking heh good day =)
happy valentines day dudes!
took my tortoise to the vet and apparently he popped a boner when she was handling him.

vet just said "oh, he's a male alright! i know it's valentine's day, but chill out buddy". i laughed.

my wife and i have a ritual of going out to paint ceramics every year. she makes all sorts of different stuff, and i always make her a coffee cup with some sort of cute animal picture on it. first year, it was the cats. last year, it was the chickens and ducks. this year, it will probably be the dog. she loves those coffee cups.
took my tortoise to the vet and apparently he popped a boner when she was handling him.

vet just said "oh, he's a male alright! i know it's valentine's day, but chill out buddy". i laughed.

my wife and i have a ritual of going out to paint ceramics every year. she makes all sorts of different stuff, and i always make her a coffee cup with some sort of cute animal picture on it. first year, it was the cats. last year, it was the chickens and ducks. this year, it will probably be the dog. she loves those coffee cups.
