Vanilla Kush from Barney's Farm


Well-Known Member
I have 14 seeds getting a NICE BATH and I can't wait to see how many will pop in the next 24 hours. My last Tangerine Dream from Barney's farm was pretty good but only 1 popped out of 5 beans.
just wanted to share. peace


Well-Known Member
I've been smoking weed for the past 30 some years blah blah blah and I still fucking LOVE it! that said Im dedicating this thread to all my brothers and sisters over 50 that want to grow their own weed and sick and tired of paying $$$ for shitty stuff.
Now I aint an expert but I think I know what the fuck I'm doing.:lol: maybe? lol puff puff pass



Well-Known Member
I've been growing in coco for many years now and its about time to start DWC and SOIL. So friends I might need some help! :)


Well-Known Member
Good vibes OneLove all the way from this side of the world Shzzzzzzam :leaf:

While I'm waiting for these seeds to sprout (hopefully :)) I'm going to start making a DWC system Remember I'm growing in a bathtub! Peace


Well-Known Member
It's time to be part of history, I hope this web site stays open for many generations to come.
Smoking pot since late 70's ;-)
I'm fucking proud of Colorado and I can't wait till Washington and Cali unite Love it!!!!LOL and it feels great that my son doesn't have to hide and smoke pot like his dad. Fuck you Ex-wife! Sorry son ;-)



Well-Known Member
First off, gotta say, is that a 59 or a r9 hanging up back there? I have a rootbeer 59 so wanted to ask.

now then, WELCOME back to growing, and I cant wait to see this progress. As always, you need anything, don't hesitate to ask

stay free, stay high,



Well-Known Member
First off, gotta say, is that a 59 or a r9 hanging up back there? I have a rootbeer 59 so wanted to ask.

now then, WELCOME back to growing, and I cant wait to see this progress. As always, you need anything, don't hesitate to ask

stay free, stay high,


Hey thanks papa it's good to be back and I'm really excited to start growing some nice weed :).....thats epiphone LP on the wall but the one in my hand is the bad boy Gibson Studio with 57 pickups, my favorite! LoL

Papa as always its great to see you brotha.