Vanilla Kush from Barney's Farm

nicely grown, can't wait till harvest. Keep posting ur girls progress. I'm still learning hahaha!

As am I still learning.... I figure growing is just like guitar bro.... we get better with time, learn some fancy new tricks, buy new equipment, practice, practice, practice..... till we can eventually hold our own...always striving to be as good as the true masters. If Uncle Ben is Jeff Beck, then I better keep practicing :-P
My favorite guitar players and my mentors Jeff Beck, Joe Walsh, Carlos Santana, john frusciante, bb king, eric clapton.
Been playing about 15 years now, you? I'm rather partial to Jeff Beck myself, I could jam along to 'Cause We ended as lovers' all day! In fact your list of mentors is spot on with mine, I would add Elliot Randell (Steely Dan) and Guthrie Govan. If you haven't heard Guthrie play check out the song 'Wonderful slippery thing' it's a funky jazzy fusion explosion!
I been playing for 10+ never had any real lessons, never learn to play any whole songs..i play my own songs which are a fusion of nu metal, rock, far as masters go..grew up listening to jimmy page, hendrix,satriani ..soft spot for tremontti(is that how you spell? Creed) and anything spanish/flamenco on you tube
I been playing for 10+ never had any real lessons, never learn to play any whole songs..i play my own songs which are a fusion of nu metal, rock, far as masters go..grew up listening to jimmy page, hendrix,satriani ..soft spot for tremontti(is that how you spell? Creed) and anything spanish/flamenco on you tube

Hey Scroga you play too!! This thread rocks....literally! I'm not a big Creed fan but I adore fact I own a PRS Tremonti, the cheap(er) SE version but it still kicks ass. Your a Mark Tremonti fan so I presume you dig Alterbridge too?
Are we all smokers, growers and guitar players??? haha

I've also been playing the guitar for nearly 12 years now! I've been in a band for 7 years!

Good stuff guys =) Keep on ROCKING! haha
Are we all smokers, growers and guitar players??? haha

I've also been playing the guitar for nearly 12 years now! I've been in a band for 7 years!

Good stuff guys =) Keep on ROCKING! haha

It certainly seems that way! Do you play originals or covers? I'm also in a band but I'm a total sell out, only play seems I can't make much (any) money playing my own tunes ha..ha.., but that being said playing in a covers band is far more fun than working a crumby 9-5 job :bigjoint:
You bet!

Unfortunately I'm no longer in the band. I left because I'm studying away from my home place.
But I used to do a bit of both. I like originals better though. Nothing quite like the sensation of being on stage and have people appreciate something you composed out of your head =)
with all the steps just to germinate a seed? root riot, heating pad, humidity dome?
Just put the seeds in soil and keep it moist, ez~pz

Exactly! All those complicated methods, paper towels and other nonsense was developed by those brown thumbs who can't grow anything weeds included.
Hahaha! Right on this is AWSOME!!! I'm a noob lol only 2 years self taught 100% lol but I'm a hardcore guitar lover I'm paying my dues by playing 3-6 hours a day since I picked up my first guitar.and my guitar playing journey all started right in here RIU. Freshjig is a fellow grower in RIU who gave me the courage and hope that I too can play lol, so here I'm. Hope I can learn a few thing from u gentlemen. bongsmilie
talking about getting on the stage, I'm going on burning man in summer to experience the hippie life and play some music with few friends. Hahaha! I figured the safest place that I won't get booed it will be there lol :bigjoint:
Good stuff man! There's nothing astronomical about it, just practice practice practice! Practice until perfect! And don't be afraid to play for people, that's what drives us to be better and better!

And man... I would kill to go to burning man! Hope you have the time of a lifetime there! Be sure you don't forget to come and tell us all about it!
Good stuff man! There's nothing astronomical about it, just practice practice practice! Practice until perfect! And don't be afraid to play for people, that's what drives us to be better and better!

And man... I would kill to go to burning man! Hope you have the time of a lifetime there! Be sure you don't forget to come and tell us all about it!

hahaha! man Im so excited to go to BM with group of guys that are exactly 10 years apart, 20s,30s,40s, 50s yours truly and 60s. I finally got my wife to sign off on it so Im good to go :mrgreen: NO WIVES ON THIS TRIP hahahaha!

and as for music I love music so much that eat sleep smoke weed and play guitar hahaha! simple life! ...I just started to learn fingerpicking so pretty excited. Just picked up a Fender DG60 acoustic yesterday to carry it in my car so I can play for friends and family lol. I had same passion for growing when I started. the only thing that I regret is why I didn't start when I was 10 or younger. I have a 2 year old boy that loves music and I know this kid can be a serious musician. I said it today! hahahahah!!!:eyesmoke:
Thanks for the goodwill boys! i only ever heard that debut single they had(Alterbridge) was cool,polished,structured...Tremonti has a great sound..always wanted a PRS..theyre quite heavy hey? I was briefly in a band at the start of last year, on vocals..unfortunatley our work schedules clashed severley :(.... we where only together a month but had a good 6-7 song rep down.... metallica,sevendust,drowning pool,prong,linkin park, ect... its a shame we were just getting decent..