You don't want to cook with it. You want to cook with an extract you make from it. To clarify, you've already vaporized the THC, the extract is to pull other oils from the plant tissue.
I was about to call you out on some shit, then I realized what you were saying

& I agree, but found it slightly confusing... so to clarify:
Yes, you don't cook with the weed ITSELF, you make weed BUTTER/oil with the left overs, and then cook with the butter/oil
Pretty much I vaporize until there is HARDLY any vapor coming from the bowl.. then I dump it into a jar... that 'hardly anything' vapor, bowl after bowl starts to add up. After probably 200-250 bowls, you have at least 8 STRONG highs worth of 'left over' vapor, and anything else
not on the surface area.
Basically, it all adds up... i vape my shit down to pretty much nothing. If you dump your bowls earlier, obviously you will only need LESS vaped weed to make a butter/oil to cook with.