• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Vape-Pen...anyone tried it yet?


Well-Known Member

it looks amazing but they say it only works with thier special extract liquid. what i want to know is will it work with homemade BHO because im definetly NOT in a medical state where they can provide me with thier 'special liquid'.


Well-Known Member
Why people suggest the RIU search function eludes me, it's borderline useless. but I dont have any useful info on the vape-pen.. sorry.


Well-Known Member
Why people suggest the RIU search function eludes me, it's borderline useless. but I dont have any useful info on the vape-pen.. sorry.
its far better to let google search RIU for you. i just put whatever i want to search RIU for with "rollitup" in there too.

Man o' the green

Active Member
If the question is "can I make my own extract for this device", my best guess is no. I'm certain that the liquid that they use to vaporize has a very specific boiling point, viscosity and composition, aside from the active ingredient, And they mention that you can't use it for nicotine.. this would either be a temperature or solvent issue, both of which would make creating a liquid for this rather difficult. Too many factors need to be balanced when vaporizing any material, so I doubt this would work with anything other than their extract.
My 2 cents of speculation.
However, If I got one for free and wasn't afraid to destroy it, I might use something like olive oil ( non toxic, stable, and high flash point ) for a solvent and prepare some using the cannabutter method, along with a fine filtering of the oil.
I have a vape and some home-made extract. I may try this as an experiment, but I don't really want to clean oil out of my vape.


Well-Known Member
If the question is "can I make my own extract for this device", my best guess is no. I'm certain that the liquid that they use to vaporize has a very specific boiling point, viscosity and composition, aside from the active ingredient, And they mention that you can't use it for nicotine.. this would either be a temperature or solvent issue, both of which would make creating a liquid for this rather difficult. Too many factors need to be balanced when vaporizing any material, so I doubt this would work with anything other than their extract.
My 2 cents of speculation.
However, If I got one for free and wasn't afraid to destroy it, I might use something like olive oil ( non toxic, stable, and high flash point ) for a solvent and prepare some using the cannabutter method, along with a fine filtering of the oil.
I have a vape and some home-made extract. I may try this as an experiment, but I don't really want to clean oil out of my vape.

thanks for the reply.

people have been vaping oil for years...thats nothing new. the volcano even comes with a special screen, i think. and they explain the difference between nicotine vaping and herb vaping on the website. this product is made for vaping herbal extracts.


Well-Known Member
heres how they say they make thier extracts -

The extracts are produced by Supercritical Fluid Extraction and Spray Drying of whole herbs. Flavanoids are extracted by steam distillation and re-combined. Liquid Herb is not a concentrate! It contains active ingredients in proportions similar to smoking or ingesting the whole herb.

heres what wiki says the bold underlined crap is -

A supercritical fluid is any substance at a temperature and pressure above its critical point.

that sounds kinda like a butane extraction doesnt it? but then they keep talking about "drops of liquid" and BHO always ends up a semi-solid once completely evaporated.

damnit, i want one. i dont want to have to have liquid sent from damn cali either:wall:
I have been testing out a few of the mini L88b e-cigs (blu, volcano, and the 510 which the parts are all compatible with each other *aside from the chargers*), with my own non-nicotine herbal VG based solutions for the past month and ran across the vape-pen site while digging for info. After testing out the mini's I already mentioned and learning quite a lot about how they function, I decided to take a chance and spend the money to get the vape-pen mini (out of curiosity mostly) even though the price was extremely high, and there doesn't seem to be any replacement parts available on their site. I noticed a lack of information about them on the web from people who actually use them, so I decided to be one of the first to test them out so I could give an honest report about how they function. While I was trying to find extra batteries that fit my L88b models, I ordered a couple of batteries from the Revolver e-cig site and realized they are not compatible with my L88b cigs, they seem to be the 84mm size, so I set them aside. Today I got my vape-pen mini ($80) kit in the mail which is also the 84mm size, it came with 2 (very sensitive) batteries that light up when handling the packaging, only one atomizer (which is the part that is bound to fail first) and 2 blank carts and a plug in charger (no USB or PCC chargers). I noticed that the vape-pen and the revolver batteries were the same size, have the same atomizer connection and have been charging my revolver batteries on the new vape-pen charger. I have not tried the vape-pen yet, as I still need to fully charge the batteries first, but I just want to mention that I think it is possible that the Revolver parts should work with the vape-pen mini. I know they claim to have lowered the temp for herbal vaporizing, and they did send a sample of ginseng juice with the unit for me to test out. I'm just not sure it's a fair deal, getting only one atomizer, no PCC and no replacement parts available on their site for such a large price. I will do more testing with the juice they sent me, and my herbal VG juice and report back with my findings. Once Revolver restocks their atomizers, I plan to order some of those as well, to test out with the parts I have now. I have a nagging feeling these vape-pens are not what they are cracked up to be (no offense to the vape-pen people, I just calls them how I see them) but won't know for sure until I do more testing. For the record, I have been successfully using the regular e-cigs for non-nicotine herbal extracts with satisfying results, I just don't know if vape-pen's claims to be superior are accurate or worth the cost. I will know soon, and will share my findings.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the bump with the info. i have been trying to talk to the guy in charge about becoming a distro for them in colorado but he fails to return any calls nor answers any that i make.
thanks for the bump with the info. i have been trying to talk to the guy in charge about becoming a distro for them in colorado but he fails to return any calls nor answers any that i make.
I am testing it right now with my own liquid (decided to void the warrenty), and so far I can report that it does have an excellent vapor hit, the herbal extract I am using is suspended in 100% food grade USD vegetable glycerin (I am allergic to the propylene glycol) and it seems to work just fine, however, I still don't know what the life expectancy is on the atomizer yet, as this is my first day of use. The thing I do like about it so far, is it gives a big hit, and does seem to be vaporizing at a lower temp as they claim, unlike the regular e-cigs, and I am noticing that I am getting a slightly stronger effect from from the herbal extract vapor than I do from the regular e-cigs, but it's a close call at this stage in testing. I don't want to undermine the vape-pen company for what they are trying to offer, it is working, I just don't feel the price is fair, as the batteries are extremely sesitive and there is no portable charging unit or replacement atomizers available like you get with other less expensive ecig kits. I also replaced the stuffing in the cartrige with a small peice blue fish tank filter (marineland bonded foam sleve size U from a pet store) that I learned about on one of the ecig forums, it helps wick the juice to the atomizer better than the plolyfill and keeps the atomizer from getting flooded if you acidently overfill the cart. Just be sure to rince it well in hot water before use if you decide to use it to make this mod. I still need more time to tell how long this unit will work before I have to find replacement parts. Also the lower temp setting will ease my concern of over heating the VG juice causing it to release toxic vapor. Some of the regular e-cigs ( esp. the 510 manual button) can get pretty hot, and start to almost burn my juice. I noticed this when I blow the atomizer clean, the juice left behind comes out much darker brown, and if the atomizer starts to run dry it has a very foul taste. I still think the Relvover atomizer might be a good replacement for this unit, if they ever get them in stock for me to order and test. I also want to get the Revolver PCC to see if the vape-pen batteries will fit so I can make my unit more portable. So far I'll give this a thumbs up, because it is working with my home made juice, I just hope they get their act togethe and get more parts on the site, and maybe a PCC to make this unit portable. Sorry to hear you can not get in contact with them, I don't know why they wouldn't want to distribute their product in CO, I know it is booming out there right now.

One other thing I also want to mention, it has taken some trial and error, and several burned out atomizers for me to figure out exactly the best way to use these e-cigs with herbal extract, instead of the nicotine juice that comes with them. I would not reccomend starting with this unit if you plan to experiement yourself, start with a less expensive model like the blu, or volcano, don't get very hot, they have cheap replacement atomizers (2 for $10) which means that while you figure out how to make these work, you don't have to ruin an expensive unit in the process. I have found an excellen VG recipe on line, and did a similar method of extraction ( used water to double boil it instead of oil, seemed way safer) and plan to spin my final solution in a centrufuge to get more of the particulate out to make it cleaner. I also used a french press to filter it, instead of the method mentioned below, and it seems to be working pretty good as is. I did have make 2 batches before I got the strength up to a satisfactory level using high quality herbs. I took the french press filtered VG juice from the first batch and added it to another jar fresh herb to make the second round, following the same directions, making the VG liquid more potent. Here is the recipe I found and followed: Please make this tincture at your own risk, I am simply reposting another person's post from another MMJ site.
good luck...

"If I want a potent tasty glycerin tincture without the subtle nuances, I crank out a hot potion in a week that is stronger than a typical cold tincture and use only sugar leaf. I do that by bringing a jar 3/4ths full of pulverized material and covered with about ½ inch of glycerin, up to 160F in a hot oil bath and cooking for 30 minutes at that temperature.

During that time, I frequently stir the mixture using a wooden spoon. A metal spoon will work, but you are more likely to tap the hot jar too hard and crack it.

After thirty minutes, I take it out of the oil, cap and wipe it, and set it away to cool. The next day I set it back in the hot oil and bring it back up to 160F while stirring. When it reaches 160F with the oil at 200F, I take it out, cap and wipe it, and set away.

Hot cycling creates a pumping action that speeds up the process.

I do that for seven days and on the seventh day, I pour it in a bag I sewed up out of a high thread count bed sheet, and press it in a press I made out two stainless dog dishes, some scrap metal, and a hydraulic bottle jack.

It produces a sweet tasty tincture with no noticeable burned flavor, but alas no subtle plant pureen flavors either.

The best part is that if you take the pressed pucks from two jars and put them in one jar, fill jar with glycerin and stir in a hot oil bath until it is well broken up again, bring it up to 160F and repeat the process, you will get a second squeezing that will rival the first, though lower in volume. Depending on the material, I sometimes get three squeezings."
Lmao, this is the best product review ever...

I know...convincing huh? :bigjoint: where's the vapor?
I have been getting billowing vapor hits from my new v-p mini/ VG juice.

I also want to add, I contacted vape-pen about replacement parts, they say they are working on a web page that has a password for v-p owners to have access to spare parts. They do not want to make parts available to the general public (?) but if you buy a vape-pen, you are supposed to be able to get replacement parts instead of having to purchase another kit, should any of it fail. I don't know what they will be charging, I hope not too much, I expect the atomizer will be the first part to fail, and I still plan to look into the Revolver atomizer if they get more in stock and up for purchase on their site. The Revolver battery does fit and run the v-p atomizer, I don't see any difference in the two. I'll report more on that test when I can get the parts.
Hi, I was lurking here and I ran across this post so thought I'd answer since no one else here seems to have actually used the vape-pen WITH the herbal liquid sold to be used with it. I have used it only with the recommended herbal liquid, so I can't answer any questions about whether or not it will work with home made liquids. From what I have read and heard, home made liquids will gunk up the pen, but I haven't tried that.

As to the Vape-Pen used with recommended liquid herb that is sold to be used in it, it works like a dream! (a Blue Dream, actually!)

I carry mine in my shirt pocket like a pen and wherever I am during the day, if I want a little herbal lift, I take a few puffs. As a medical marijuana patient, it helps me relax and helps me deal with chronic pain. One thing I really like is that I don't have to run into a bathroom or otherwise hide, I can do it walking across a parking lot or even in a store.

One thing I like about it is that it can easily and quickly give me just enough of a dose that I don't feel overly medicated, I can still function, yet it "takes the edge off" for me as I run my errands or what-not throughout the day. Of course you CAN get pretty baked with the pen if you wish, too, but that's not the way I use it. If I want to get really baked I'll do so at home with my plug-in vaporizer.

So I just wanted to say, "Yes, someone has tried it" and "Yes, it works great!"
Great to hear the positive report, thanks for posting! I will be moving to OR this next summer, so hopefully once I am situated there, I will be able to get access to the real liquid (sounds dreamy), but until then, I am getting decent results from my regular e-cigs with my goopy liquid, and once the centrifuge gets here, I hope to remove some of the goop so my juice doesn't clog any of my atomizers. That's the plan anyway. I am with you on lightly medicating, I too have bad back/joint pain and prefer not to zonk out everytime I medicate. Since I have been using my e-cigs for this purpose, I have been much more clear headed, and still benifiting from the medical effects that I use this for. I like not charring up my lungs/sinuses too. Being able to vape in public is the biggest bonus, it has also helped ease some of my paranoia associated with self medicating. I have a question for you that I can't seem to get an answer to from the v-p folks, do they use propylene glycol as the base for their liquid? I am allergic to it, so if that is the case, I won't be able to use the real stuff until they find another alternative.
Great to hear the positive report, thanks for posting! I will be moving to OR this next summer, so hopefully once I am situated there, I will be able to get access to the real liquid (sounds dreamy), but until then, I am getting decent results from my regular e-cigs with my goopy liquid, and once the centrifuge gets here, I hope to remove some of the goop so my juice doesn't clog any of my atomizers. That's the plan anyway. I am with you on lightly medicating, I too have bad back/joint pain and prefer not to zonk out everytime I medicate. Since I have been using my e-cigs for this purpose, I have been much more clear headed, and still benifiting from the medical effects that I use this for. I like not charring up my lungs/sinuses too. Being able to vape in public is the biggest bonus, it has also helped ease some of my paranoia associated with self medicating. I have a question for you that I can't seem to get an answer to from the v-p folks, do they use propylene glycol as the base for their liquid? I am allergic to it, so if that is the case, I won't be able to use the real stuff until they find another alternative.
Hi, yes, we are in the same boat as far as not wanting to get "zonked" all day long but still wanting to medicate. The Vape-Pen is great for this and I'm sorry it is not available in your area yet. I went on a trip recently and forgot my Vape-Pen. I had to use the Launch Box instead and even though it's very "stealthy", I still felt paranoid using it. With the pen I feel so much more at ease using it in public. In fact, I find it fun.

I am pretty sure the liquid herb designed for use with the Vape-Pen uses propylene glycol. I will try to find out for sure and post back here about that.

Unfortunately, I wouldn't hold my breath, if I were you, waiting for a new formula without pg (if I am right that it uses it). This is because I know the maker of the liquid herb went through tons of work and money trying to get just the right formula that will work right in the pens, and they're trying to get this off the ground with availability in as many legal dispensaries as possible. So I just don't think changing the formula is going to be a high priority at this time, and may not even be practical or possible. It is possible that some day they may try a different formula, but I am doubtful that it would be any time soon.

I know he does warn about using glycerine in e-cigs and Vape-Pens. I will see if he can expand on the reasons not to... if so I will report back here. Meanwhile, be careful with it. Did you read the .pdf posted on the site about glycerine? (I have not because I'm not into making such things.)

Good luck finding something that will work. Meanwhile, what about using drops of herb soaked in Everclear or that kind of thing, instead, for public use? (I know, it's not as quick acting. But I would think that with the right strength it might work well with a certain number of drops under the tongue, for instance. I'm no dr., just guessing...)


Well-Known Member
Hi, yes, we are in the same boat as far as not wanting to get "zonked" all day long but still wanting to medicate. The Vape-Pen is great for this and I'm sorry it is not available in your area yet. I went on a trip recently and forgot my Vape-Pen. I had to use the Launch Box instead and even though it's very "stealthy", I still felt paranoid using it. With the pen I feel so much more at ease using it in public. In fact, I find it fun.

I am pretty sure it uses propylene glycol. I will try to find out for sure and post back here about that. I think it used to be posted on the Vape-Pen.com site somewhere but I can't seem to find it now.

Unfortunately, I wouldn't hold my breath, if I were you, waiting for a new formula without pg (if I am right that it uses it). This is because I know the maker of it went through tons of work and money trying to get just the right formula that will work right in the pens, and they're trying to get this off the ground with availability in as many dispensaries as possible. So I just don't think changing the formula is going to be a high priority at this time, and may not even be practical or possible. It is possible that some day they may try a pg replacement, but I am doubtful.

I know he does warn about using glycerine. I will see if he can expand on the reasons not to... if so I will report back here. Meanwhile, be careful with it. Did you read the .pdf posted on the site about glycerine? (I have not because I'm not into making such things.)

Good luck finding something that will work. Meanwhile, what about using drops of herb soaked in Everclear or that kind of thing, instead, for public use? (I know, it's not as quick acting. But I would think that with the right strength it might work well with a certain number of drops under the tongue, for instance. I'm no dr., just guessing...)
i thought i might try out one of these
I have done some research about vegetable glycerin, and what I have found is that becomes toxic at 536f (280c) which is very bad for you, and you will know if it is happening because it creates a very irritating vapor that will burn your throat/sinuses and be very unpleasant, and make you feel bad. It has been found in cigarette smoke and car exaust. The e-cigs do not heat up to that high of a temp. That was one of the reasons I was interested in the vape-pen, they say theirs heats lower than regular e-cigs and I have been using the VG in my e-cigs with no ill effects other than burning out a few atomizers. In fact there are many e-cig liquid companies that are selling VG based liquids for those who react to the PG. I would venture to say that it is more of a clogging of the atomizer issue with using VG, than a health issue when VG is being vaporized at such low temps. So far I have not been able to find any negative health results (on line) about peolple using VG in their e-cigs. I am also very sensitive to toxins, and have not felt any bad reactions while using my VG solution. So hopefully all is well, I appreciate any useful information you can find on this matter, or anyone else for that matter, thanks!