Vapes - 6 Pot Multi Strain - 600w Tent Grow


New Member

Welcome aboard....
Been growing off and on for years but had to take a lengthy break due to some personal circumstances (getting caught :shock: Shhhh, lets keep that between us... lol) so for over 2.5yrs I have not touched a thing (just in case), but nowadays things have really calmed down and I can finally get another grow on the go for some badly needed personal meds...
:joint: Sick of having to go to drug dealers!

Over the last few years I managed to accumulate some pretty decent seed stock and have decide to go with the following strains

-Soma Seeds NYC Diesel (*A personal Favourite)
-Reserva Privada Kandy Kush
-DNA Genetics Seeds Kushberry
-Humboldt Seed Organization Purple Trainwreck
-Cali Connection Seeds Green Crack
-BC Bud Depot Seeds Girl Scout Cookies


I will be growing these in my GR120 Green Room Grow Tent under 600w Aircooled (Dual Spectrum) HPS, using Plant Magic Soil Supreme in 18ltr pots. the nutrients will also be Plant Magic/Oldtimer with maybe abit of Big Bud and Buddha's Tree PK 9/18 thrown in for good measure. :weed:

So join me on my journey from seed to weed - with regular updates - lots of video will also be included, pull up a chair & subscribe to my posts!




New Member

Seeds were germinated by my regular method of putting them to soak in some tap water overnight then transferring them onto kitchen towels, within 14 hrs all seeds had popped and was ready to be placed onto the kitchen paper overnight in-between 2 plates where i found somewhere warm and dark so they could further develop and produce healthy tap roots that will be ready for planting


New Member
Day Seven Update -

:cuss:Had a problem with my NYC diesel as I dropped my water bottle onto the seedling and it snapped in half - Not Happy! had to re-germinate a new seed for the NYC Diesel so now my diesel is a week behind the rest. :wall:

Temps have been steady at 25°c Humidity at 55% in the day - 18°c night - Vegging the plants with 22hrs on and 2 hrs of rest

The Girl Scout Cookies and the Green Crack have really come up nicely whereas the Kandy Kush, Kushberry and Purple Trainwreck have not really shown much growth over the last few days. They are also showing signs of heat stress, This is because I had to place them under the 600w Dual Spectrum HPS prematurely.

I usually use a 250w Envirogrow CFL on my seedlings at first but this also got damaged & only half of the bulbs were working so after day 4 I decided to put them straight under the 600w.

:leaf:Fed the ladies a very weak solution of (Plant Magic Oldtimer) also adding a very small drop of Bio-Silicone to the drench, this helps strengthen the seedlings for the next stage of rapid growth. I have also placed a small fan in the tent to help with air circulation around the leaves, also strengthens the baby stems at the same time...

I will germinate a new NYC Diesel seed and add that to the tent when she's ready!

Heres some pics of the progress so far..... enjoy!

tent.jpg1stWeek.png 1stweekGC.jpgweek1GSC.jpgweek1KB.jpgweek1KK.jpgweek1PT.jpg


Well-Known Member
Welcome back to growing, nice selection of strains.
How long are you planning on vegging them?

Roy, just above Vapes first post click "thread tools" then subscribe.