vaping wax?


Active Member
I dont know if this question already been asked or what but can you use a vaporizer for wax? i was just thinkin bout it and wanted to know if any one has tryed it?
I use an older model atmos pen with an omicron cart and the taste is magnificent. no doubt it brought out the sweetest flavor ive experienced in any sesh.. it was totally like no other. almost like tj's fruit snacks or something. but it is tedious loading the omicron. youre only going to be using honeycomb and basicaly crumbling it in the cart. imo vaping doesnt give me that feeling im looking for so along with the extra work it has taken a far backseat to the ti nail.
you can successfully use the 710Pen to vaporize any concentrate from oil, wax, budder, honeycomb, co2 and even some full melts!
it has a new funnel cart that lets you drop the substance right onto the heating element with no waste, super easy to fill up
check out for more details
Do not use a volcano for this. It ends up running right through those pads and down into the internals. It's messy. It works, but it's messy and I highly recommend against it. I'd get one of those concentrate pens if you want to go this way.