Vaporize BABY!!!


have any of you heard of the company top vapor from taiwan? this guy on ebay is selling their electronic vaporizers on ebay and i was wondering if anyone knows if they are thrash or not...selling the vaporizer, whip, and grinder for like 50 bucks seems to good to be true to me...thanks
i bought one monday i havent got it yet but will post a review here if u wantbongsmilie


Well-Known Member
50$ does seem to good to be true. I got my silver surfer for 200 and i think that was a bit of a deal


i had a vapir nine months ago and one month ago i finally got the volcano. Now my vapir is in the garbage because even if the vapir would be 100 dollars, it wouldnt be worth a crappy vaporizer like vapir but 600 dollars is totally worth it for the volcano trust me. I have tried both, and vapir is a disgrace. Only volcano...(pff i cannot believe that not all stoners know this yet)


Active Member
if you need a very good portable vaporiser try the i-inhale

was told that the smoke is rich like the volcano just you cant crank it up as high to get the last hit a volcano can or some thing like that.....

i like the ider of the bag tho that must get you smashed


New Member
i had a vapir nine months ago and one month ago i finally got the volcano. Now my vapir is in the garbage because even if the vapir would be 100 dollars, it wouldnt be worth a crappy vaporizer like vapir but 600 dollars is totally worth it for the volcano trust me. I have tried both, and vapir is a disgrace. Only volcano...(pff i cannot believe that not all stoners know this yet)
i find the bags a drag. i'd rather have a silver surfer any day than a volcano, and yes i've tried them both. just my 2cents.


got mine in the mail today and its awesome only paid 40 for mine shipping included, i dont see how the volcano or any other vape could be any differnt it seems like they all work off the same concept, but i also have no experiance with any other vaperizor. maybe others take less time to heat i dont know,,, :weed:


Well-Known Member
I've had my volcano for about 2 or 2.5 years and taken it on two flights (checked luggage) and 3 cruises (also checked luggage). Only issue was two screws came out and Volcano sent me replacement screws quickly. I usually have the element on for 1-3 hours a day, depending on how much I'm home. I enjoy the bags, unless I'm in a rush. I'm up to the turkey oven bag size instead of the original replacement bags. It's a big ass bag! 3 bags per volcano bowl and I can't suck them down any faster than 15 minutes. I really enjoy sitting down and watching a movie or playing video games with the bags. Sometimes I get distracted and 20 minutes later I still have smoke in my bag. If I want a quickie, I just go outside and hit the pipe.

I'm just now looking at the silver surfer, but I'm not sure how travel friendly it is.


Well-Known Member
It doesn't get better than cruising high. The first time I was so fucked up I got lost in the dining room. My lady was not happy about that.

The best part is NO MOTION SICKNESS! I don't have to do the stupid patch behind the ear or dramamine! I do have to remember to use fart spray before leaving the room.


Well-Known Member
I am also a fan of the silver surfer over the volcano..... I like that you set the the temp and not a digital machine.
It doesn't get better than cruising high. The first time I was so fucked up I got lost in the dining room. My lady was not happy about that.

The best part is NO MOTION SICKNESS! I don't have to do the stupid patch behind the ear or dramamine! I do have to remember to use fart spray before leaving the room.
Wow thats an epic Lost syndrome....kudos to you, the smallest space ive been lost in was a bowling allie, and that beats that by a bunch!!! no motion sickness....(UNLESS YOU SLAM SOME DESSERT WINE!))) Happy 5th anniversary to me!:!::oops::wall:


Well-Known Member
Amen to vapen i have the volcano and the extreme vaporizer. Im leaning more towards the extreme. Cheaper and IMO works better than the volcano. There benifits for booth of course.

CSI Stickyicky

Well-Known Member
Gotta throw my hat into this ring. I wound up going to the hospital with a lung related chest pain a few years back, and payed over $2,000 (Due to my poorness, i didnt have to pay all) in medical bills. (I'm only in my 20's) With that in mind, the 539 for the classic volcano was seemed like a deal. The vapor saves my lungs, and gets me ripped for hours off a small amount of herb. I love the volcano. It sucks changing the bags every few weeks, but not too bad. There is less resin all over my house than back in the smoking days. It also puts out less of a smell, versus smoking. Its not very portable, though i have used it with a power inverter on a long road trip. One difference with the volc versus whip style vapes is the airflow rate is always the same (on the volcano) leading to less variables, allowing you to set the heat right everytime. On a whip style vape, you can inhale at a fast or slow rate. The bags are also easier to pass around a larger or more spread out group of people. Plus, parts are easy to find.
And the best advantage of a volcano: people love packing it! whenever somebody gets some really good shit, they want to see how it vapes so i get smoked up a lot.
Anyway, the silver surfer is a bad ass mother fucker too. looks too fragile for the likes of me. I'd also like to add a whip style to my collection, because the volcano makes noise, so its not ideal for campsites, and places where you wanna keep private. I've tried a few of the generic box style that sucked. anyone know of a good, durable, portable vape?

I Love Vapor!


Well-Known Member
I bought this vaporizer for about $99. I never knew how well it would work...lmao. I saw MANSWERS and it said you could get the most thc out of your stash using the vaporizer so the next day i bought it and have been using it every since. It is a big pain reliever no matter what strain you have and it puts out an real nice taste even if you have about 1/2 gram of some low grade that you would think is trash can put you right to sleep after a few nice tugs.


Well-Known Member
Love my Surfer!
Got a 18mm attachment so I vape through my ice bong. :bigjoint:

Have a Vapir One as well. Had to mod it up, used electrical tape to try to cover all of the leaks and boy that thing leaks a lot, wastes your weed.
Also hate the Vapir bags. Cut off the plastic nozzle to a bag and bought some oven turkey bags cut a hole in the end and secured the plastic nozzle with rubber bands. Works better than their crappy little bags.