Vaporizer High Different - Not Sure I I Like It

Another vote for the ExtremeQ. I read somewhere that anything above 190c gets into the combustion territory but I find the high doesn’t hit as hard or last as long.

I generally vape at around 210c – 220c & fill up a bag. That hits the spot. The left overs do look a bit brown & charred but from my point of view there is no point vaping at 190c if it’s not giving you the buzz you want.

P.s. the cheap hand held vapes are rubbish. You are better off saving up a bit & getting something decent. A good desk top vaporizer is not that expensive & the performance is worlds apart from the cheap hand held jobbies.
I have an ExtremeQ but I prefer it out of a Briar pipe which I sanded and stained myself. It’s preference I guess ‍♂️