vaporizer or smoke? and why?

Really i though it would be less cool i have a bong now i want a vaporizer thanks for lettin my ass kno buddy
yea well i have a bong pipe vapo and used a bubblier vap does last long and conserves bud but is definetly a differnt type of high my i use it every once in a while bong is my fav but i will say i originally got it cus i was sick and couldnt stop coughing so much easier on lungs, throat
ya there going to come in handy when im old.... but medical advances are going to be huge.... with stem cell research and everything else starting to get going the possibilites are endless!

you obviously dont know what stem cell research is... my mother does stem cell research for a living... xD
Hey Guys
I bought a cheap vap on ebay
Digital but no directions,does anyone know what temp to set it to?
Green Dave
i have a volcano vaporizer. Its great, and novel, but i still smoke joints the majority of the time. It's great for when you have a cold in the winter though, much less harsh on infected lungs, and it is more economical in terms of weed consumption, meaning you get a lot more bang for your buck. i ususally use it when im low on weed, when i have hash lying arround or when im sick and smoking is making me hack my lungs out.
IMHO, you get just as high. The issue is some people don't trust vapes because they don't know how to use them properly and/or had bad experiences, like not getting high.

If you mis-use it, you won't release all of the THC and will effectively waste your buds. This is the only drawback I have found.

Personally I'm saving up for the Vapir portable, battery-operated mini-vape.. :)
I have one (somewhere) but I just rolled a joint or used a pipe almost all the time. I like the way it tastes. And even though it is healthier to vape than smoke, we're not talking about a 2 pack a day habit. I dont' know how the rest of them work but mine has to cool down for 15 minutes before you turn it off. Do you really think I remember to turn it off 15 minutes later? Still, I gotta find the thing.
I have one (somewhere) but I just rolled a joint or used a pipe almost all the time. I like the way it tastes. And even though it is healthier to vape than smoke, we're not talking about a 2 pack a day habit. I dont' know how the rest of them work but mine has to cool down for 15 minutes before you turn it off. Do you really think I remember to turn it off 15 minutes later? Still, I gotta find the thing.

i dont get it ... doesnt it cool down .. when you turn it off ?
i have the volcano vaporizer, my only complaint is that over the months the plastic bags it comes with tear and rip. So a good quality vap will give you good quality results. The reason i still smoke joints is the ritual aspect. Im addicted to smoking more then i am to weed lol.